I nod silently. Of course, if a billionaire’s expecting a child, he’ll go out of his way to make sure that the mother’s comfortable and happy. But still, what about after that? What will happen after the child’s born? Is Amber a surrogate and nothing else?

Unfortunately, Amber’s a free spirit and impossible to pin down. She smiles again and shoots a pointed look my way.

“How about you, Kels?” she purrs. “Will we be hearing the pitter-patter of small feet soon for you and Trent?”

I gasp because pregnancy has occurred to me more than once. The thing is, I’m on birth control but often forget to take it. It should be easy, I know. Whenever I set foot in the compound, I should pop out my pill pack and swallow one right there.

But the thing is that I’m usually on Cloud Nine thinking of Trent and it escapes my mind. Take last week for instance. We’d just finished a hot session and he was idly trailing big fingers over my stomach.

“Oh,” I breathed softly. “I have a little pooch there, I know. I’ve been trying to get rid of it for ages.”

Trent bent his dark head, kissing my belly button.

“It’s gorgeous, honey. I love having extra to hold, and in fact, I think you could put some on right here and here,” he said, squeezing the sides of my tummy.

I giggled.

“What? No, that’d mean that I’d get love handles! You want me to have love handles?”

Trent’s eyes gleamed, but he merely dipped his head again, pressing an open-mouthed kiss to the soft skin of my stomach.

“Like I said, I like having a little extra to hold, and if you have some here and here,” he said, pinching my sides again, “it’ll make for some good places to hold when I’m taking you from the back,” he said, his breath hot on my sensitive skin. “Imagine it,” the big man breathed mischievously, lifting his head to meet my eyes. “Me, sliding into you from behind, holding on for better leverage. Sounds good, right? I’d be able to get in real deep.”

I giggled again, although a tingle ran through my pussy, the ache already starting once more.

“Oh you,” I said, “you’re so dirty.” But secretly, I was elated because Trent adored me the way I was, and in fact, wouldn’t even mind if I put on additional weight. What could be better than that?

My man’s big hands slid over my tummy again, thoughtfully running over the pooch before he lifted blue eyes to meet mine.

“Speaking of which, honey, have you been taking your pills?”

That caused me to sit up with a startled gasp.

“Oh shit, I forgot,” came my panicked voice. “Here, hand me my bag, they’re in there. I’ll take one now.”

But instead of hot-stepping it to the other end of the suite where my purse lay, instead Trent pressed another loving kiss to my tummy.

“No worries,” he drawled. “I’m sure if you take it tomorrow, it’ll be the same.”

I stared at him.

“No, I have to take it now. In fact, I’m supposed to take every pill at around the same time each day, and I’m already six hours late for today,” I said, my eyes flickering to the unblinking numbers of the digital clock. “Hold on, just one sec. I’ll get it now,” I said, swinging my legs over the side of the bed, ready to run over and down the entire pill pack if necessary.

But my man wouldn’t let me. He shifted that big body over to pin me down to the sheets, nuzzling my neck before nipping at my ear this time.

“Like I said sweetheart, it’s okay. Just take two tomorrow.”

I beat futilely with small fists at his shoulders.

“Trent, are you crazy? My birth control’s right here and I can easily get them. Eeef! What are you doing?”

Because my man had dipped his head to suckle at once of my breasts, and tingles ran straight from my nips to my cunt.

“Oh!” I cried again, already beginning to writhe beneath him. “What’s going on?”

But my man only lifted his head for a moment to shoot a mischievous look up at me, blue eyes gleaming.

“Like I said sweetheart, there’s no worries. Besides, you’re probably already pregnant,” he said in an off-hand manner. “The first time we were in the hot tub together, I came. And you weren’t on the pill then, right? My sperm probably slipped into your pussy through the water, and our baby’s growing inside you now.”

My eyes flipped open then as I pushed futilely at those heavy shoulders. Because was he right? Could I get pregnant from his sperm even if technically, he didn’t come in me? Plus, there were so many times where we made love in the pool, me accepting that big cock with my legs spread and pussy willing. Sometimes he pulled out if I told him I’d forgotten to take my pills, but was that enough? Could I get pregnant merely from his sperm floating through the liquid and into my fertile twat?