But this was exactly the boundary I sought to establish.

“That’s right,” was my smooth voice. “But I’m not a boyfriend. I’m not a guy to take home to your parents and show off to your friends. You’ll have fun while you’re with me, and anything and everything will be at your disposal while you’re at the club. But that’s all. There’s no love, there’s no Bambi-eyes, and there’s definitely no happily ever after.”

The sharp words cut into the air like a razor and I almost regretted uttering them. But that’s the thing. You have to be upfront with young girls otherwise they get ideas. They think you’re a prince who’s going to carry them off on a white horse to live in a castle. But I’m not that. I’m an alpha male who adores women, yes, but also an animal who uses them. Plus, this is the point of the Billionaires Club. Hot fun with no strings, and I had to be crystal clear on that aspect.

But the teen girl’s reaction almost did me in because Kelsey inhaled sharply, as if she’d just taken a dagger to the heart, her eyes going glassy once more. But my girl swallowed heavily before squaring her shoulders and taking a deep breath. Then she looked up at me, those brown eyes brave and slightly shuttered.

“Of course,” she said in a calm voice, betraying no surprise. “I wouldn’t have expected otherwise. That’s what they told us at training too. This outfit exists purely for the sake of the males, and we, the serving girls, are here at their pleasure.”

Every word she said was true, but at the same time, the sentences sounded terrible leaving her lips, like a gaping wound in the air between us. I wanted to soften it in some way so that it wasn’t so brutal, but how? What could I do to make things better? These were the hard facts, and I couldn’t change them if I tried.

So I merely took those small hands in my own, gazing deep into her eyes.

“We’re going to be okay, sweetheart. Take a deep breath because everything’s going to be fine. I know you’re hurting, but trust me, this too will pass. And you’ll get used to it because of all the fun we’re gonna have, okay?”

She nodded, chin still wavering slightly, but then managed to smile at me.

“Of course, sir,” she said dulcetly. “I mean, Trent. I look forward to it.”

And with that, I clasped that curvy body close so that our hearts beat in unison. This would have been a great time to ravish the female, to pull her bottoms to the side and stroke her slit until she was moaning. It would have been the perfect opportunity to suckle at her clit and lave her nipples until the pleasure overwhelmed Kelsey in waves, distracting her from the harsh realities of our talk. But for some reason, I didn’t do it. The brunette’s mental state meant too much to me and as we sat there entwined in one another’s arms, I silently made myself a promise. I’d do everything I could for the sweet girl because something about Kelsey was different … and despite the rules of the club, her happiness mattered to me.



It’s been an interesting month, to say the least. On the one hand, both Trent and the Billionaires Club itself have been totally upfront with respect to expectations. Mainly, that I should have none. The billionaires aren’t looking for relationships, nor are they looking for girlfriends or wives. They’re looking for temporary fixes, meaning plush, nubile females who are willing to open their legs and accept cocks for ungodly sums of money.

Because both Amber and I are working at the Club now. Ever since we completed the training phase, things have taken off at light speed and we spend most of our time at the compound with our respective alpha males. Amber with her guy Roman, and me with Trent. We suckle, we moan, and we let them do anything they want to us for a price.

Because the deposits that have landed in my bank account have been enormous. Before, I made minimum wage at the country club clearing tables and folding towels. A lot of times, it was even less than minimum wage because I’d get docked for all sorts of infractions, from coming in late to accidentally breaking a glass in the dining room.

But with the Billionaires Club, none of that matters because the overall sum is just so huge. We’re paid five thousand dollars per week, and the money hits my bank account with a large thump, almost like a giant piano crashing onto the sidewalk with no way to stop it.

But the thing is that I’m confused. The money’s good, don’t get me wrong, but deep in my heart, I can’t help but feel that I’d do all this for nothing. It doesn’t take five thousand dollars to make me want Trent. It wouldn’t even take five hundred, to tell the truth, because somehow the billionaire has me captured with his smile and the way he brings out the best from me.