But Kelsey could read my mind and she shook her head miserably.

“My last boyfriend said that he didn’t want to be seen with me,” she uttered in a miserable voice. “Sometimes, I’d have to go to the counter to order and then I’d just bring the burgers back to the car and we’d eat in the front seat. He didn’t want the other restaurant guests to know we were together.”

Holy hell. The revelation was so astonishing that I literally couldn’t speak for a moment. Because if I had Kelsey on my arm, I’d parade her to the finest restaurants so that everyone could envy me the beautiful girl. In fact, I’d shout it from the rooftops that this gorgeous brunette was mine.

But Kelsey’s gaze was fixed to her lounger as she swallowed heavily again, her expression a visage of pain.

“Yeah, my boyfriend Rick didn’t even want to celebrate our six month anniversary last week,” she said with a lump in her throat, turning glassy eyes my way. “He told me that he was sick, but it turns out he went to the shooting range with his buddies. And when I confronted him about it, he just laughed it off and said it was no big deal. After all, who else would want me?” she said in a wooden voice, staring at the mosaic floor with glassy eyes. “I’m as big as two girls put together, so I should thank my lucky stars to have him.”

That was too much for me, and I swept the curvy girl into my arms, pulling her onto my lap in one swift, smooth movement. It was true. Kelsey wasn’t small but I loved the feel of her heft in my thighs, that big butt bouncing against my crotch. In fact, I had half a mind to whip off her bikini bottoms right now and stroke her until she moaned to show her how much I appreciated her wet plumpness.

But that was avoiding the problem because this fucker Rick had done a number on her, and I needed to fix it in her head first before starting on her body.

“I hope you broke up to him,” was my possessive growl. “That asshole has no idea what he’s talking about.”

Her chin trembled as she looked up at me, eyes watery. Kelsey wiped at them futilely before sniffling again.

“Yeah, I broke up with him,” she said in a low voice, looking down again. “Because I figured now that I had a shot at the Billionaires Club with you, why would I want to put up with more of Rick?” she said in a wavery voice. “Maybe I can find something better here, instead of constantly getting hurt by someone who doesn’t want me.”

I nuzzled her soft neck, gently pressing a kiss to that delicate curve.

“You absolutely have something here with me,” I assured her. “And don’t even waste your time thinking about that loser. A man who doesn’t appreciate you doesn’t deserve you,” I growled, the heat rising within my chest. “He’s a fucker who deserves to be run over by a truck, and I have half a mind to do it myself.”

Kelsey sobbed a little before lifting grateful eyes to me. Her soft curves heaved just inches from my hands and it was pure torture not to touch and pet, if only to get her mind off this pain. But I’ve learned the hard way that there are no short cuts, and I wanted to address her concerns at their root instead of distracting her from the real issue.

“Thank you,” she said softly, chin wobbling. “I’m glad you’re on my side,” she added as an afterthought.

I grabbed her chin in one big hand, turning those caramel eyes my way.

“I’m absolutely on your side,” I confirmed. “But when you’re with me, you’re absolutely one hundred percent with me. There’s no other way.”

She hesitated, unsure. I could see confusion swirling in those eyes.

“I’m not sure what you mean?” she began. “Of course when I’m here, I’m with you. Where else would I be?”

And I saw this as an opportunity to talk with her about our arrangement.

“Sweetheart, I can see you don’t know much about us, and there’s a reason why. We’re secretive. We’re dudes worth ten figures, and we don’t want our business out there. So yeah, we have this place,” I said, gesturing to the lavish subterranean cave, with the huge Olympic-sized pool, the hot tub, the sauna, and countless other luxuries fit for a sultan. “But when you’re with me, you’re with me. There are no other men on your mind whatsoever, no matter what’s going on in your personal life.”

She stared at me, confusion still swirling in those depths.

“Of course,” said Kelsey tentatively. “But I thought that’s what I said? After all, I’ve dropped Rick and only want to be with you.”