ut of the cafeteria and into the hallway between the band room and the gym locker rooms.

“What are we going to do?” Tamara asked when Hayden finally came to a stop.

“Nothing. There's nothing we can do,” Hayden shrugged.


“We just have to make Greg and the rest of the team sees that Sir Bedivere has nothing to do with their success or lack of, I should say.”


“But what?”

“More hand prints.”

“What are you talking about, Tamara?” Hayden asked, “You're not making any sense.”

“Sunday morning I woke up to find like a billion little hand prints on my bedroom mirror and someone was watching me this morning. Maybe not a someone, but a something.”

“Do you know how crazy you're sounding?”

“Yes! Yes, I do, Hayden. I haven't even told my best friend about any of this, because I'm afraid she'd think I've finally lost it!” Tamara stomped her foot. “Hayden, has anything weird happened to you?”

“Outside of my younger brother tying all of my shoes together last night, no.”

Tamara leaned against the walls and closed her eyes, “I think we should just leave an offering before the next tournament.”

“What's up with you?”

“What could it hurt? I mean, what could it hurt to just humor them? If it helps us get our dance, I'm all for it.”

The end of lunch bell echoed through the empty hallway.

“See you at practice,” Hayden said, leaving Tamara alone.

By three-thirty Tamara's mood had soured even more. Her feet stomped with each step and her arms swung at her sides, matching her long hateful strides. She didn't stop by her locker to talk to Amber and ignored the questions buzzing from her volleyball teammates.

“Can't you play chess?”

“Are you happy that we lost the dance as well as volleyball, Tam?”

“Are you sabotaging their team just to be a bitch?”

“You can't even be a nerd, right!” one of them shouted as she dashed up the stairs on her way to room five eighty five.

“Ignore them,” Hayden said, appearing on the stairs beside her.

“What do you think I'm doing?” she snapped.

“Are you?” Cindy said appearing on her other side.

“Am I what?”

“Trying to sabotage us, just because you lost your team?”

“No! I told you all why I'm here! My mom's making me!”

“Sounds like an excuse or an alibi!” Cindy said.