“You said it yourself, superstitions only work if you believe in them and they do believe in them, Hayden, or at least in Sir Bedivere!”

“They got themselves all worked up because we didn't leave candy for some chunk of wood! That's their problem!”



“What happened to everyone's right to be themselves?”

“Well, they have that right as long as they don't try to hinder others from doing just that!”

“Shut up and drive!”

“Don't tell me to shut up in my own car!”

“I just want to go home, Hayden!” Tamara crossed her arms, “I can't deal with this!”

“Deal with what? Me telling you the truth?”

“They're not hurting anyone!”

“Sir Bedivere is just a statue!”



“Can we talk about something else?” Tamara sank deeper into her seat.

“Like what?”

“Anything that doesn't have to do with chess or Sir Bedivere?”


Tamara bit her lip as a silence engulfed them. She watched Hayden watching her through the rear view mirror, out of the corner of her eye. He wasn't much different from Doug or anyone else, not really. Just like the rest of the guys Tamara had fallen for, he always had to be right. In the past Tamara had lost more than one guy's interest by proving him wrong. Why did guys have to be like that? Lame.

“I'm sorry,” Tamara muttered.

“Don't worry about it. Believe me, losing a tournament always causes arguments.”

“Now it's starting to sound like sports,” Tamara laughed, sitting back up, “Everyone trying to find someone to blame.”

“So what do you want to do?”

“Let's get something to eat?”

“Sounds like a plan. Where to?”

“The first place we pass.”

“That hungry?”

“I'm always hungry after a competition.”

“Too bad, Sir Bedivere isn't here. I bet he's stuffed with candy he can't digest.”

Tamara slapped Hayden on the arm, laughing, “You shouldn't say stuff like that!”