“Checkmate.” Hayden called for the third time that afternoon.

Tamara crossed her arms and sank lower in her chair. Her sneaker clad foot tapped against the tiles and her fingers tapped on her arm.

“You're getting better,” Hayden said, reaching across the table to brush a stray lock of Tamara's hair away from her face. She moved out of his reach and brushed it behind her ear.

“You don't have to be nice about it, Hayden,” she said, pushing herself back up so that she was sitting in the chair properly once again, “I know I suck.”

“Did you learn to play volleyball in a day?”

“No, I actually don't remember learning to play. I was born with that talent.”

“I don't remember learning to read,” Hayden arched an eyebrow, “but I'm sure people remember teaching me. When something becomes second nature we often think we were born with it.”

“So what talent were you born with?” Tamara asked.

While she waited for Hayden to answer Tamara placed her pieces back onto their proper squares. He wouldn't meet her eyes as his hands moved across the pieces.

“I was born with the right to exist,” he finally answered.

“I hate to break it to you, but I think we're all born with that,” Tamara laughed, leaning her elbows on the table.

“Maybe, but not everyone does.”

“Not everyone exists?” Tamara arched an eyebrow and curled her lips into a questioning look, “Um.. That doesn't make any damn sense.”

“Well, I guess everyone exists. I should have been clearer. I was born with the right to exist as I am and with the talent to claim that right.”


“Basically, I was born with anti-bullshit talent. I'm not going to be someone I'm not.”

“I don't think any of us can be what were not,” Tamara lied and bit her lip for a pause in the conversation, “I mean we're born as us so what else can we be?”

“Never mind,” Hayden shrugged.

“Okay guys, gather round,” Greg said.

“Guess we're not getting in one last game,” Hayden sai

d, putting the pieces quickly back into their allotted spaces in the box.”

“Guess not.”

“Come on, guys,” Greg said, tapping his foot as he stood in front of Sir Bedivere. His hand idly traced the contour of one of the statues ears.

Tamara joined the rest of the group, but stayed in the back with Hayden.

“We've all worked really hard getting ready for this tournament so I know we’re going to kick butt, but none-the-less we still have to give thanks where it's due. Sir Bedivere has been our team's good luck charm since before any of us were born. For those of you who don't know we usually leave candies or something else important for him.”

“He's a statue,” Hayden called out, “He doesn't eat.”

“Well, the candies always disappear,” Cindy cut in, “but the wrappers are always left behind.”

“The janitor probably eats them,” Hayden smirked, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Mr. Bowens wouldn't do that!” Cindy said.

“That's enough, guys!” Greg said wrapping his arm around Cindy, “Any way, it's what we do and it's never failed us before. If something's not broke don't screw with it.”