“She’s supposed to on her way home. If you need me I’ll be in my office working,” Mr. Page sighed.

“Thanks for the tacos!” Tamara said and dashed up the stairs two at a time.

Tamara flopped onto her bed and pressed number one on her speed dial.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

“Hey, give me a minute,” Amber answered, “Trying to get my shoes off. I just walked through the door, like literally.”


“Thanks,” Amber said a few moments later, “Sorry about that. We went to the park after the movie.”

“To make out?”

“That and to read,” Amber said, “So how was Geekville?”

“It was odd.”

“Tell me!” Amber said, her voice raising in pitch, “Who is he?”

“What? How do you always do that?”

“I'm your BFF. I know these things. So who is he? It's not Greg is it? Because that would be lame. He's like really smart and stuff, but he's even more of a geek than I am.”

“You're not a geek, Amber. You're a bookworm. There's a difference. My BFF is not allowed to be a geek and I'll clock anyone who says otherwise.”

“Thanks, but are you going to tell who it is or not?”

“Hayden Bradley.”

“Is he new, because I don't know that name and I think I literally know the name of every kid at Central Glade.”

“He just moved here from North Dakota.”

“Is he cute?”

“He's hot, Amber. I mean really hot.”

“Then why is he in Chess Club?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe his dad is making him or something,” Tamara lied.

She couldn't help but to remember the way Hayden gently held the chess set and caressed its pieces. There was no way he was there for any reason other than the love of the game.

“Did you ask him?”

“Yeah, he said he played at his old school too.”

“And I thought Central Glade as the only school lame enough to have a Chess Team.”

“Apparently not.”

“When do I get to meet him?”

“I don't know. I don't think I'll be hanging out with him again outside of practice.”

“You've already hung out with him? What else are you hiding from me? Are you secretly related to Rihanna too?”