Hayden thought for a moment, “Man, I knew I was forgetting something,” he said, frowning and hanging his head, “I still have time to run home and get it, right? I'll be right back!”

“You can't be serious!” Tamara stomped her foot, “Hayden Bradley, you better be joking or I'm going to send you to Antarctica.”

“Was it that obvious?” Hayden laughed, pulling a small empty spice bottle from his coat pocket. “Chill out, it's in here.”

Tamara snatched the bottle from him and sprinted to room five eighty five.

“Someone's in a hurry this morning,” Hayden chuckled, following behind her.

“I just want this to be over with so I can get back to my normal life,” Tamara sighed, pushing open the door.

“What's that supposed to mean?”

“What's what supposed to mean?” Tamara asked.

“Back to your normal life.”

“Well, I won't be playing volleyball, so as normal as I can,” Tamara shrugged.

“Back to Amber and your other friends?” he asked.

“Well, since not many of them will speak to me right now, because of the loss of the Halloween dance, it would be nice,” she sighed, pulling the brown paper sack from her backpack.

“Fine,” Hayden sighed.

“What's up with you this morning?” Tamara crossed her arms.

“Nothing,” Hayden said, “Let's just get this done. I wouldn't want to keep you away from your normal life.” He walked ahead of her, stopping in front of Sir Bedivere's table.

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“Hey,” she bumped into his shoulder playfully and pulled away, “What's wrong?”


“God, Hayden! Quit being such a girl. That's my job. If something's wrong then tell me.”

“Let's just get this done first. Do you have the rest of the stuff?”

“No, I'm just carrying around a brown paper sack because I think it's a cute accessory.”

Hayden laughed and the tension dissolved. Tamara poured the lemon drop rocket ships into the empty bowls that had previously held the milk and honey before setting the other items around the bowls.

“How's it look?” she asked, turning to Hayden.

“Nice,” he nodded.

“Are we cool?”

“Why wouldn't we be?” he asked.

“You're acting weird this morning,” Tamara said.

After a moment of silence Tamara took his hand, “Come on, we can go hang out with Amber and Josh. Maybe go somewhere for a quick breakfast, I was too nervous to eat this morning.”

When he hesitated to follow her, Tamara turned and pressed her lips against his, looking him in eye. He grinned against her lips.

“You okay, now?” she asked.