“That would be Greg and the others,” she laughed.

“Why do they always have to be on time?” Hayden chuckled.

“Because they're geeks.

“Hey guys,” Hayden said, as the door swung open.

“Hey,” Greg said, walking several strides ahead of Cindy and her bloodshot eyes, “Sorry, I'm late.”

“You're only one minute late,” Tamara said, glancing at the clock, “and no one else is here yet.”

“I used to always be here first,” Greg frowned, dropping his bag haphazardly beside the door.

“I was excited about practice and wanted to make sure I was here on time,” Tamara lied. Practice was the last thing on her mind when she showed up early. She had to make sure the milk and honey appeased the wee folk, because Tamara didn't think she could live with herself if she was part of the real reason the annual Halloween dance was canceled.

“Glad to hear it,” Greg said with a half-smile, as the rest of the club clambered into the room, whispering quickly back and forth, “Guys, quit talking about it! If it doesn't have to do with chess or the tournament next Saturday I don't want to hear about it and one of you guys can work with Cindy today. I'm going to practice with the computer. I was hoping to work with Mrs. Kelly today, but she's not going to be here. Go ahead and get started.”

“I'll grab a board,” Tamara said and fell in step with the rest of the group, leaving Hayden alone with Greg.

Maybe he can say something to make him feel better, Tamara thought, because I'm not even going to try. Geekmance is beyond me. She waited until everyone else chose their set and took the one that remained.

Hayden was waiting for her at their usual table and Greg was no where in sight.

“Is he going to survive?” Tamara asked, sliding into her chair.

“Yeah, he'll be fine,” Hayden chuckled.

Together they began to set up the board.

“Who has my knights?” Cindy demanded, stomping her foot and nearly knocking over her own chess board.

“Mine are missing too!” another member shouted.

“So are ours,” Hayden said, lowering his voice so that only Tamara could hear him, “Do you think it's them, again? The milk and honey didn't work, after all?”

“I don't know. Cindy's pretty pissed, maybe she did it!” Tamara whispered, looking around the room.

“I heard that!” Cindy shouted. The screech of her chair being pushed back echoed around the room for longer than Tamara believed was normal, “Go ahead, Tamara, say it again, but say it loud enough for everyone to hear. You and Hayden were already here when Greg and I arrived! All that smutt about you wanting to be on time for practice, we all know you don't care about this club and you're only here to get your precious scholarship! You took them! You took the knight pieces!”

“I did not!” Tamara said, jumping to her feet.

“Tamara didn't take anything!” Hayden said, “I was here with her the whole time.”

“Oh and we know all about you too, Hayden!” Cindy said, turning her wrath on him, “You helped her, didn't you? You'd do anything to get the preppy snobby pretty girl to notice you!”

“I'm not a snob!” Tamara said.

“Let's just go, Tamara,” Hayden said, taking her hand.

“No, I'm going to show this four eyed, chess licking nerd what this snob can do to her!” Tamara said, pulling away from Hayden.

“That's enough!” Greg shouted, finally having realized the room had turned into a mad house. “They didn't take them, Cindy. What the hell would they want with the knight pieces?”

“To make sure we couldn't practice!” Cindy cried out.

“Get over yourself, Cindy, the world doesn't revolve around you!” Greg said, slamming the mouse of the computer hard against the desk.

“Let's go,” Hayden whispered in Tamara's ear.