“Is everything, okay, Tam?”

“Yeah. I just need to talk to you.”

“What if Josh and I pick you up and then he drops us off at my house? Will that work?”

“Will your dad be home?”

“Most likely not.”

“Okay, then. See you soon, please.”

“We'll be there ASAP, Tam.”

“Thanks,” Tamara said and ended the call.

Chapter Six

An hour later, Tamara sank onto the edge of Amber's bed and spilled her guts. She hadn't planned on telling Amber about her argument with Hayden after the tournament, but once she began Tamara found that she couldn't stop herself. After weeks of not talking privately with her BFF, the words poured out of her mouth before she could filter them. Her cheeks flushed as she spoke and her words became rapid, making it hard to know where one ended and the next one began.

“I always knew Greg was weird,” Amber said, lying back against her pillows, “but I never thought he'd have a knight statue for an imaginary friend.”


Amber broke into a fit of laughter and Tamara sighed, putting her head in her hands.

“Amber, I really need some help here. This is your department.”

“How so?” Amber asked, “How is someone pranking Geekville my department, Tam?”

“I don't think it was a prank.”

Amber frowned, “I hate to break it to you BFF, but a lot of people are mad at the chess club. You guys didn't win the tournament and now there's no Halloween dance.”

“What about the hand prints and Hayden's shoes?”

“He said his little brother tied his shoes together.”

“We don't know that for sure though.”

“No, but Tamara,” Amber said, sitting back up and taking her best friend's hand, “Don't you think it's more likely that Sir Bedivere striking back? He's a knight statue! He doesn't even have hands!”

“That makes more sense, but come on, Amber, less than two months ago you were going on and on about how you cast a love spell.”

“I did,” Amber nodded.


Amber fell quiet for a moment and looked contemplative. Tamara avoided Amber's eyes and looked down at her lap. Now wasn't the time to interrupt her BFF. Tamara had seen that look before. If she interrupted Amber now, she might refuse to help her all together.

“Okay, so I'm not sure what to think about it. It seems unlikely that it has anything to do with the statue, but unlikely doesn't mean impossible. Up until a few weeks ago I would have thought magic was impossible, it couldn't exist. It could have been anyone that moved the furniture, but if you really think it's something to do with the statue, go to the library. It's the hand prints that have me though. If it wasn't for them, I'd say we needed to find out who it was and get revenge. ” Amber finally said.

“What good will it do to go the library?”

“I'm not sure, but it's the best place to start.”

“Can't we search it on the internet or something?”

“This isn't a 'we',” Amber laughed, “Sorry, BFF, but I have things to do that don't include chasing around a immobile statue, bond and determined to make you miserable because you ate his apple.”