“Yeah, I'll be out in a minute,” Amber said, pushing herself to her feet with the book tucked carefully under her arm.

“You're not checking out more library books are you?” he asked, “I told you no more until you finish the ones you've already checked out!”

“No, Dad, I just lost track of time while I was doing my homework and I need to pee before I leave,” Amber lied.

“Okay, kiddo,” he laughed and ended the call.

The librarian gave her a knowing smile as she scanned Amber's library card, adding the spell book to her account.

“It's due on the fourth, enjoy!” the librarian said.

“That's only four days!” Amber objected.

“The check-out period for more popular books is always shorter, Amber, you know that,” she said and walked away.

Amber carefully tucked the book inside of her backpack and headed outside. She didn't much care for this new librarian. She was unlike any other librarian Amber had ever met. The lady was helpful. She just seemed to know too much about everything and that made Amber nervous. If she stayed on at the library full time, Amber's overdue book fines would bankrupt her father.

Chapter Two

Amber wasn't sure if morning came early or she had woken up late. It was hard to tell with all the commotion happening on the other side of her bedroom door. Her dad banged on her bedroom door startling her from a dream in which she had finally managed to obtain Joshua Nelson's attention. They were on their first date and Amber had worn her favorite sundress, a darker green one that reminded her of the one her mother had worn at the ice cream shop.

Joshua had just told a funny joke (that upon waking Amber couldn't remember). She was reaching out to touch his dimples, after years of waiting, when she startled awake. The dream faded quickly leaving behind an empty feeling in Amber's stomach.

“Up, kiddo! You've missed the bus!” her dad called through the door, “You have exactly five minutes to get your lazy butt into the truck or you're walking to school.”

“I'll call Tamara and have her mom pick me up,” Amber called back, as she tried and failed at suppressing a yawn.

“That's a no-go, kiddo,” her dad called back, “School started fifteen minutes ago!”

“Why didn't you wake me up sooner?” Amber called back, sitting up trying to see the red digital numbers on the clock across the room. It was useless the world wouldn't come into full focus until her contacts were in place.

“Because I thought you already left!” he called back, “I didn't know you were still here until the school called to ask about you.”

“Ugh!!” Amber sighed, “I've got to get into the shower and stuff.”

“Hurry, kiddo!” her dad called, “I have to be at the office in less than an hour! I have a meeting with a V.I.C.!”

“V.I.C.?” Amber asked.

She opened the closet door feeling around, grabbing the first pair of jeans her hands touched. Next she looked at the blur of colors that were her t-shirts and chose a green one that said 'Go green for ice cream!”

“Very important client, duh!” he laughed through the door.

“Quit trying to be cool, Dad,” she said as she exited her bedroom and headed for the bathroom, “You're failing at it epically.”

“Am not,” he laughed, “You're just not awesome enough to understand my brand of cool.”

“Ugh,” Amber rolled her eyes and shut the bathroom door.

Amber washed and dressed quickly, leaving ample time to insert her contacts, do her makeup, and try to tame her hair. She moved slowly, despite her dad yelling for her to hurry. Her math homework sat unfinished in her backpack, meaning Mr. O'Bannon was going to throw her in detention for sure. This was the second time this week she hadn't finished her assignment.

“Maybe I can play sick,” she thought to herself,

There was no way her dad was going to let her stay home today. He didn't like leaving her home alone and it didn't sound like his meeting could be canceled. If she told him she was sick, he might cancel it. She'd spend the whole day feeling like a selfish twit.

“Hurry up, Amber, please!” he called again, “I have less than twenty minutes to drop you off and get to work!”

“I'm almost ready,” Amber said, opening the bathroom door, “I just have to put my shoes on and grab my stuff. I don't have time to pack my lunch, though. Can you give me some money so I can get something from the caf?”