“Then what other reason could there be that wouldn't be... What did you call it? Right?” Tamara asked.

“Lots of reasons would be the wrong one, but I can't tell you right now. I'll tell you at the library. If I tell you now you won't come with me,” Amber said.

“Why? Are you planning to do something illegal? Are you finally acting out?” Tamara laughed.

“No!” Amber sighed, “It's not illegal, at least I don't think it is. Will you come with me or not?”

“I'll have to ask Mom, but if it's cool with her I'll come along for two reasons. One: You have me intrigued. Two: I think you have finally lost it,” Tamara said.

“I haven't,” Amber said shaking her head.

An hour later Amber and Tamara were huddled together in the back of the library.

“What are you dragging me into dark corners for?” Tamara asked, “Did my BFF turn into a vampire?”

Amber laughed, thankful for now that Tamara never took anything seriously, but finding a good deal and saving money. It was a good thing too, because Amber felt like someone had punched her in the stomach. Things were going downhill fast and she needed to find a foothold.

“You're not going to believe me, but I need you too,” Amber whispered.

“Are you pregnant or something?” Tamara asked, “Has someone hurt you?”

“No,” Amber shook her head, “No, I'm not pregnant and I haven't been hurt, not in the way I think you're referring to anyway. Do you remember how I was really sure that Joshua Nelson was going to ask me to the dance?”

“How could I forget that, girl? Seriously, you made a total fool of yourself at the mall,” Tamara laughed.

“Don't remind me,” Amber groaned.

“It's all good now, right? You're hanging out with that other Joshua and you're over Joshua Nelson.” Tamara said.

“Yeah, sorta,” Amber said and bit her lip, “I think I'm over Joshua Nelson and I have been hanging out with Joshua Kirk.”

“So what's the problem then? BFF are you trying to make a problem where there isn't one again? Like the time you thought your headache was a brain tumor?” Tamara laughed.

“No and that could have been a brain tumor,” Amber said, “But this is a real problem.”

“Then spit it out already, girl,” Tamara said, leaning back against the wall.

“I did a love spell so that Joshua Nelson would notice me, but because he lied about his favorite color I think it hit Joshua Kirk instead! Now, he wants to hang out with me and stuff, but I don't think it's because he thinks I'm epically cute or funny, but only because of the spell! I can't trap him like that! It's not fair to him. I wasn't trying to be-spell him!” Amber said. The words rambled out of her mouth as she spoke. She didn't pause for breath, because she feared if she did, she'd never find the courage to keep going.

“Okay, I'm not sure I believe you, but you were okay with trapping the other Joshua with a love spell?” Tamara asked.

“Not really, it was only supposed to be a notice me spell,” Amber sighed.

“Then what's the problem? A Joshua noticed you. You like him! Get on with the flirting thing already!” Tamara laughed.

“How do I know he really likes me and it isn't just the spell?” Amber asked.

“I'm pretty sure you're safe, Amber, since magic isn't real,” Tamara grinned.

“But it is! The librarian planted the book for me to find and everything! I think she's like a witch or something!” Amber hissed.

“You think Mrs. Galiey is a witch? Are you listening to yourself, Amber? Are you hearing this? None of it is real! Magic is only a myth! A child's story! A fairy tale! You're not a princess and there's not evil fairy to curse you and maybe no white knight to carry you away, but there is a guy who I think likes you and you seem like you like him. So, just drop it, okay?” Tamara said.

“I knew I shouldn't have told you,” Amber sighed.

“So, okay, say I did believe you, which I don't, what would be our next step?” Tamara asked.

Amber knew her BFF was only humoring her, but it made her feel a teensy bit better. Only a teensy bit, though.