Amber let out a long sigh of relief when she found the driveway empty. She ran up the steps and quickly unlocked the door. Fifteen minutes later she sat on her bedroom floor with the candles, matches she snatched from her dad's collection, and a pen. She took a deep breath and took the book out of her bag.

She opened the book to page one hundred seven.

“The candle that represents you must be closer to you than the one that represents the object of your desire.” Amber read, “The candles should be approximately six inches apart. Before setting your candles up, inscribe your first name into the candle of your color choice and the name of the other party onto the candle that represents their favorite color. The writing utensil comes in handy for this part.”

Amber uncapped her ballpoint pen and carved her name into the green candle. She carved it deep and deliberately before turning her attention to the black candle and carving the letters slower and more deeply. She didn't want to know what would happen if she messed up a letter. All the warnings in the book…


Amber's hand was cramping when she completed the task.

“Set up your candle and then place the other six inches away from it. Carefully light the candle inscribed with your name FIRST. Next light the other candle. For best results light both candles with the same match.”

Amber carefully struck the match against the rough patch on the pack and nearly dropped it when the flame danced too close to her fingers. She quickly lit the green candle and then the black one and blew out the match.

“Say the following incantation three times. Move the second candle closer to the first after each time. When you finish the candles should be touching at the bases. Allow the candles to burn down and bury them to bind the spell.”

“I am here! See me! See me!

I am here! Look at me! Look at me!

You're eyes are drawn to me!

Notice me! Notice me!”

As Amber spoke the spell for the first time she could feel the hair on the back of her neck standing up and goosebumps rising on her flesh. She said each word deliberately and moved the candle closer without letting go of the sensation that was building in her chest.

She repeated the spell and moved the candle closer. The last time she recited the spell, she added one word. What could it hurt?

“I am here! See me! See me!

I am here! Look at me! Look at me!

You're eyes are drawn to me!

Notice me, Joshua! Notice me!”

Amber moved the black candle so that its side brushed against the green candle and watched their flames dance together. She imagined that every movement of the flame brought her more attention from Joshua. She would definitely be going to the dance with him. For the first time in her life, she was certain that Joshua was going to notice. How could he not?

The candles burnt out just in time for Abby to bury them under the bushes where they would remain undisturbed, before her dad arrived home.

Chapter Three

Tamara knocked on the door at exactly eleven-thirty the next morning. Amber was still trying to decide between her blue skirt and white top and her green sundress. Tamara was always teasing her about how often she wore the sundress, so she decided on the blue skirt.

“Can you get that, Dad?” she called downstairs.

“Yeah,” he called back up and Amber heard him head towards the door.

Her hair and makeup were already done so she quickly changed clothes before sprinting down the stairs. Tamara's mother had left the girls behind more than once, when they had taken to long too get ready. Amber slid across the hardwood floor with her bare feet before coming to a stop and stepping into her sandals.

“You're going to break your neck one day, doing that, Amber,” her dad scolded.

“Nah, more likely an ankle,” she said, “Hey, Tamara, I just need to grab my purse and I'll be ready.”

“Well, hurry up, today's double coupon day at the grocery store and Mom wants to beat the crowds. We're lucky she's taking us at all,” Tamara said.

“I'm ready, I'm ready,” Amber sighed, slinging her cute black purse over her shoulder.