“Will you ask him for me, please, Tamara? Please?” Amber begged.

“Quit begging! You're not a dog!” Tamara rolled her eyes and stalked off into the group of basketball players.

She returned a few minutes later shaking her head.

“So did you ask him?” Amber asked, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

“Yes, and he's just as dense as I thought,” Tamara sighed.

“What did he say?” Amber asked, taking a hold of Tamara by her shoulders, “I have to know what he said.”

“Calm down, girl, he's not worth going all 'fan-girl' over,” Tamara rolled her eyes, “Next thing I know you're going to be one of those girls who fall in love with fictional characters from all those books your read.”

Amber had already fallen in love with more than one book character, though she wasn't about to tell Tamara about it. Her BFF would never let her live it down. Tamara already gave her enough grief over her school-career of a crush on Joshua Nelson.

“No! What did he say though? What's his favorite color?” Amber demanded.

“Well, he said it was black and green!” Tamara rolled her eyes.

“Green is my favorite color! What's wrong with black and green?” Amber asked.

“Nothing, it was just a pretty lame answer, as it's our school colors, Amber,” Tamara sighed.

“So loyal to his basketball, team!” Amber sighed.

“I have bad news too,” Tamara frowned, “He plans on asking Sandra to the dance.”

“I don't think he will,” Amber shook her head.

“You are delusional, girl. I love ya anyway,” Tamara sighed, “There's my mom, see you tomorrow!”

“See you tomorrow.” Amber sighed and leaned back against a stone pillar.

“Make sure you're up on time, because you know how much Mom hates to be kept waiting and I'm sure there's a Saturday sale going on somewhere tomorrow,” Tamara laughed, sliding into the car.

“I'll be ready on time,” Amber laughed.

Tamara was her BFF, but the girl was crazy. Since when did having school spirit make you dense? Amber thought Joshua's dedication to the basketball team was sexy. Who wanted a guy that couldn't commit?

Amber smiled as her dad pulled up and she slid into the truck.

“Hey, Dad, can you drop me off at the library? I can walk home when I'm done, because I know you're going to play golf this evening,” Amber said without giving her father a chance to say hello.

“Slow down, kiddo,” her father laughed, “Yes, I'll take you back to the library. Do you have any books to return?”

“Yeah, I have three in my bag,” Amber said.

“Good, so how's things going with Joshua?” he asked, drawing out Joshua's name, making the word high-pitched and mocking.

“Not so well,” Amber admitted, “Tamara said, that she heard, that Joshua is going to ask Sandra Holisn to the dance.”

“Which one is Sandra?” he asked.

“You haven't heard about her. She's an average cheerleader: Perky, peppy, and annoying. Sandra wasn't a threat. Well, at least not until this afternoon,” Amber sighed.

“Aren't there any other guys at your school? I mean I think I've seen other guys. I could be wrong, though,” he shrugged.

“Of course, there's other guys at school, Dad,” Amber sighed, “they're just not Joshua Nelson.”