“No, on the roof,” Joshua said.

“Now, that would be interesting,” Amber grinned and stepped closer to him.

She rested her hands around his neck, entwining her fingers so that her hands rested at the nape of his neck. Amber blushed when Joshua's hands came to rest on the small of her back.

“I'm a horrible dancer,” she said, trying to distract herself from her racing heart.

“Nah, slow dancing is easy. Believe me, I suck at dancing and even I can slow dance,” Joshua chuckled.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence,” Amber laughed.

“Anytime,” Joshua said.

When the song ended the pair made their way hand-in-hand to a bench by the front doors of the school. Around the curb Amber could smell cigarette smoke and it made her crinkle her nose. She'd never understand how anyone could think smoking was cool. It smelled horrible and made her want to sneeze. She nearly sighed in relief when a breeze blew the scent away from her.

“What are you doing this weekend?” Joshua asked.

“Most likely being grounded over my hair.”

“Oh, I forgot about that,” he chuckled.

“Yeah, I hope my dad does too.”

“This is one time when you could use a spell,” Joshua smirked.

“True,” Amber nodded, “but let's not talk about spells right now. We're supposed to be pretending to be normal, remember.”

“Ah, yes. Pretending to be normal. Pretending to be something we are. I should say we're as normal as teenagers can be.”

“Most teens use love spells now?” she joked.

“Ha! You said the bad word this time!”

“Yeah, I did.”

“Although, it's really not a bad word. It just didn't work on the other guy and I'm glad it didn't,” Joshua said, “because then I wouldn't be sitting here with you.”

Amber opened her mouth to speak. She was going to retort that it was just the spell talking, but Joshua put a hand on either side of her face and pressed his lips against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and returned the kiss. Her heart raced as her thoughts faded away. Kissing Joshua Kirk felt good. It felt normal.

“I know I'm not under some love spell,” Joshua said when the kiss broke.

“How's that, Josh?” Amber asked, leaning her head on his shoulder and looking up at him.

“Because I liked you before the spell,” Joshua said.

“What?” Amber asked.

“Yeah, I liked you since the first time I saw you at the library. That was like two years ago. I didn't think I had a chance, because you and Tamara were obsessed with the basketball guy,” he shrugged.

“What finally made you decide to talk to me then?” Amber asked, blushing.

“I got tired of waiting around. I figured I'd give it a shot and if it didn't work, well that would be that. I couldn't figure out where else to talk to you so I started riding the bus,” Joshua laughed.

“Why didn't you talk to me at the library?” Amber asked.

“Because it's rude to interrupt someone when they're reading,” Joshua said.

“Truth,” Amber laughed, but knew he was right. If he had interrupted her while she was reading at the library she wouldn't have looked at him twice, “but you have interrupted me while I've been reading.”