Mrs. Page dropped Amber and Tamara off at the front door of the school at six-forty-five.

“We're early,” Amber said.

“Yeah, but I'd rather be early than late and it gives us some time to gossip before the guys arrive. I feel like we've barely had time to have a real conversation since all this guy stuff started,” Tamara laughed.

“I know and I've been busy with the sp.. I mean stuff. Just stuff,” Amber said.

“See you're doing good,” Tamara nodded, “Just don't mention the spell at all tonight and try not to think about it either.”

“Looks like our girl talk is going to be cut short again,” Amber grinned.

“What is Doug here already?” Tamara asked looking around.

“No, Joshua is,” Amber said pointing out his car, “Let's walk over there so I can ask him about my purse.”

“Hey,” Joshua said pulling into a parking space, “You girls are early and you are blonde.”

“Yes, I am. Do you like it?” Amber grinned,

“It looks nice, but so did your red locks,” Joshua said.


trying to earn brownie points,” Tamara laughed.

“Well, it's working, but I do like the blonde. It makes me feel older,” Amber said.

“It looks great,” Joshua said.

“Good, because I'm keeping it this way forever,” Amber said.

“Or at least until your dad buries you in the backyard. I've heard the arguments you guys have over your hair,” Tamara laughs.

“My dad wouldn't bury me in the backyard,” Amber said.

“Nah, but he's going to be mad,” Tamara nodded.

“I already know this, Tamara. BFF of mine, remember we're supposed to be having fun tonight,” Amber said.

“I thought we were,” Tamara laughed.

“Can I leave my purse in your car?” Amber asked, deciding not to retort Tamara's comment.

“Sure,” Joshua said, “We can lock it up in the trunk, if you like.”

“That works,” Amber nodded.

“That's Doug, I'll see you guys inside,” Tamara said and was gone before Amber could reply.

“Are you ready to head inside?” Joshua asked after Amber's purse was safely locked away.

“Yeah, they should be opening the doors soon,” Amber said.

Amber blushed when Joshua offered her his arm, but she took it.

“So the blonde hair was what you were talking about yesterday?” he asked as they walked.

“Yeah, my dad is going to flip, but it's something I wanted to do for awhile. So if you don't see me, it's because he grounded me for life,” Amber grinned.