“I am chill. We're acting like a normal couple,” Amber said.

“Ugh.. No offense, Amber, but I don't want to act like any sort of couple with you,” Tamara said.

“You know what I meant,” Amber said and rolled her eyes.

“I was trying to make you laugh,” Tamara said.

“I'm not in a laughing mood,” Amber said.

“Please try to have fun tomorrow night. The spell wasn't real and if it was it didn't work. That's all,” Tamara said.

“I plan on having fun tomorrow night,” Amber said.

“Good, because I want to have fun and if you're acting weird all night I'm going to spend the entire freakin' dance worrying about you, girl,” Tamara said.

“I'll be okay,” Amber said and gave her BFF a quick hug before heading to class.


Classes were dismissed early on Friday for a teacher's in-service meeting.

“We'll meet in the parking lot, right?” Joshua asked for the third time today.

“Yes, we're all going to meet at Doug's car,” Amber said, trying not to be annoyed with him for double and triple checking plans. It was cute in an odd way.

“Doug's car is the black Nissan?” Joshua asked.

“YES!” Tamara said and threw her hands into the air, “The black Nissan. We're all going to meet there at seven. We'll be there. I'll have Amber there, if I have to drag her caveman style into the car. Now can you please quit asking the same questions? For the love of God above me, I can't handle this. It's a dance! It's supposed to be fun! Both of you need to quit stressing, because you're stressing me out!”

“Sorry,” Amber muttered trying to suppress a giggle. She failed and Joshua joined her in a fit of laughter. Tamara scowled at the pair for a moment before joining in.

“Do you feel better now?” Joshua asked in between laughs.

“Actually, I do,” Tamara nodded.

“Good,” Amber said, “because your mom's here.”

“I'll see you at seven,” Joshua said and pulled Amber in for a quick kiss.

“Thank God, he didn't slip me the tongue in front of Mrs. Page,” Amber thought to herself, “She'd spend the whole evening teasing me about it.”

Two hours later Amber stood in front of Mrs. Page's full length mirror examining her reflection. Her hair was now a shade of blonde that complemented her complexion and made her green eyes stand out. Although, the latter could be credited to Mrs. Page's fantastic makeup job. Amber's eyes were lined with black eyeliner and her lids painted with green eye shadow that glimmered now and then if the lighting was just right. Her lips weren't colored, but Mrs. Page coated them in clear gloss. She wore the dress she had bought at Katie's and some black flats she borrowed from Tamara.

“You girls look beautiful!” Tamara's father said peeking in.

“Thanks, Mr. Page,” Amber grinned at him in the mirror.

“It's good we look great,” Tamara said, “because it's almost time to go.”

“I just need to grab my purse,” Amber said.

“Don't take your purse,” Tamara shook her head, “It will only get in the way.”

“But I'm going home after the dance, so I have to take it,” Amber said.

“Okay, but lock it up in Joshua's car when we get there, because you don't want to carry it around all night,” Tamara said.

“True,” Amber nodded, 'I hadn't thought about that.”