“You're driving a perfectly good guy away from you over something ridiculously silly,” her BFF had told her yesterday while they were waiting on their afterschool rides.

“How about just for tomorrow night we forget about the spell, okay? We can go to the dance. Pretend we're normal,” Joshua chuckled.

“Yes,” Amber said, even though agreeing to go with him felt selfish. She liked him too much to say no.

“Thank you,” Joshua said, and stole a quick kiss after making sure none of the teachers were looking.

“Not a problem, I do like you,” Amber said and looked away trying to hide her blush, “I know things have been a bit odd, but I do.”

“You're eccentric, Amber, but that's just part of your charm,” Joshua laughed.

“Thanks, I think,” Amber giggled.

“So do I have to come early to let your dad give me the whole shotgun lecture? Joshua asked.

“What are you talking about?” Amber asked.

“You know the whole thing where he's cleaning a gun and telling me I better have you home on time and stuff,” Joshua said.

“I don't think people do that anymore. What sort of girls do you usually date?” Amber laughed.

“My dad totally did that to my older sister's prom date,” he laughed.

“Well, luckily for you, my dad doesn't even own a handgun, must less a shotgun. I'll be getting ready at Tamara's so either we can meet at the dance or you can pick me up there. She's meeting Doug at the dance,” Amber said.

“Okay, we can meet at the dance then,” Joshua nodded.

“Okay,” Amber nodded, “Thanks for asking me to the dance.”

“Thanks for finally agreeing to go with me,” Joshua laughed.

“You said yes?” Tamara asked, when Amber and Joshua joined her at the table.

“She finally said yes,” Joshua chuckled.

“At least I wasn't late,” Amber shrugged.

“You almost were,” Tamara laughed, “Well, anyway, I have to go talk to Doug, to finalize some details. I'll catch you guys later.”

“Later,” Amber said, “Oh, wait, you did make sure it was okay with your mom if I got ready at your place right?”

“Yes, she's cool with it and she said yes to your other question to. We'll stop to pick it up on the way to my house tomorrow,” Tamara grinned.

“Awesome!” Amber said as her BFF walked away.

“What other question?” Joshua asked.

“I'm not telling anyone until my evil plan succeeds,” Amber joked.

“What evil plan? You're not going to try another spell are you?” he asked.

“No, I'm not. You'll see tomorrow night,” Amber said, “I think you'll like it.”

“I'm sure I will,” Joshua laughed.

The bell rang and Amber stole a quick kiss goodbye before heading to her locker. They were supposed to pretend they were just like anyone else: a normal couple. That would be easy or at least it would have been if Amber didn't feel she was racking up bad karma every second she let the spell continue.

“Chill out,” Tamara said, appearing next to her.