“You're vampire impression needs work,” Amber laughed, “but that's the problem I don't know how to reverse it.”

“And the library is supposed to help us?” Joshua asked.

“Well, it all started here,” Amber said.

“That it did,” Joshua laughed.

“What's that supposed to mean?” Amber asked.

“Nothing,” Joshua shrugged, “I was just agreeing with you. Why don't we go across to the plaza and get something to eat before we start searching for the magic grimoire.”

“We only have a few hours to look,” Amber said.

“Yeah, and if my stomach is growling I'm going to be useless,” Joshua said.

“Fine, but you're buying,” Amber said.

“Starting to take advantage of your love spell victim, I see,” he chuckled.

“What? No!” Amber said, “Never mind. I'll look and you can go eat.”

“I was just joking, Amber,” Joshua said and took her hand in his, “I already told you I wasn't under a spell. So you can't take advantage of me that way, but I will buy you dinner.”

“Good, because not all of us have jobs with our fathers,” she laughed, “and there's still a bit of time before I turn sixteen and can get a job.”

“Come on,” Joshua said, but before moving towards the exit he brushed his lips against hers quickly, stealing a kiss.

The restaurant was empty except for an old couple sitting at a corner booth. Amber watched them as they waited for the waitress to seat them. They were holding hands across the table and the old woman was laughing, Amber assumed at a joke her husband had told.

“Right this way,” a blonde waitress said appearing in front of them, “My name is Rachel and I'll be your waitress. Party of two or are you expecting more guests?”

“It's just us,” Joshua said.

“Follow me,” Rachel said.

Amber frowned at Rachel's natural blonde curly hair as they followed her.

“Wish my hair looked that good,” she thought to herself.

After they ordered Amber tapped her fingernails idly against the table trying to kill the silence.

“So how did you get into spell casting?” Joshua asked her.

Amber took a deep breath and launched into the story. She told him everything, except that it was the spell's failure that made her lose interest in the other Joshua. She also left out the part about her bagging up her Joshua Nelson memorabilia but being unable to take it out to the trash.

“Weird,” Joshua said, “I bet it Mrs. Galiey in costume or something. Maybe she's the real witch.”

“I don't think so. I mean she knows about a lot of things, but she doesn't look like the sort of person who has a secret that big,” Amber laughed.

“You never know. Some people are like that. You think you know them, but you don't. My dad owns an auto parts store, but he also spends three hours every night playing the cello,” Joshua said.

“Really?” Amber asked, “Music must run in the family.”

“Yeah, I tried the violin, viola, and cello when I was younger, but didn't like them. I couldn't get into them. Then I started with guitar and I like it so far. I don't have my father's patience,” Joshua chuckled.

Amber blushed when Joshua reached across the table and entwined his fingers through hers. For a moment she studied their interlocked fingers. She was going to miss him when the spell was over, after all he was the first guy she had ever really held hands with. The few others had always been hands cupped. That wasn't really holding hands. It wasn't real handholding until fingers were laced.

"Besides singing what other talents are you hiding?” Joshua asked.