“I don't think I'm under a spell, Amber, and that's something I'm pretty sure I would know,” Joshua said.

“How? Are you a witch?” Amber asked.

“No,” Joshua laughed, “Believe me. The spell you cast, didn't make me like you.”

“How do you know that?” Amber asked.

“I just do,” Joshua shrugged, “What does any of this have to do with the dance anyway?”

“A lot. I can't keep doing this. It's not right. It's not fair to you. If you only like me because of the spell,” Amber sighed.

“What if I told you, I didn't care whether it was a spell or not?” he asked.

“That would be the spell talking,” Amber sighed.

“What do I have to do to prove that I'm not spellbound?” Joshua laughed.

“Help me figure out a way to break the spell,” Amber said.

“Fine, we'll meet at the library on Friday and try to figure something out. I have to work every evening until then,” Joshua said, “But say we break the spell and I still like you, will you go to the dance with me then?”

“If you still like me after the spell is broken, I'll go to the dance with you,” Amber said.

“By the way, plan on being my date for the dance,” Joshua laughed.

“What makes you so sure you're going to like me after we reverse the spell?” she asked.

“Some things you just know,” Joshua


After school Amber stood by the stone pillar listening to Tamara ramble about Doug while they waited on their rides.

“He said yes! Then when we talked in Chemistry he said he wanted to ask me out, but had been too shy. He thought I'd say no! Girl, do you hear that? That's why us girls have to learn to go for these guys! They're chickens,” she laughed.

“I'm not so sure I would want to date a chicken,” Amber laughed.

“Whateva,” Tamara laughed, “So are you going to the dance with Joshua?”

“Maybe. If he still likes me after the spell is reversed,” she said.

“Amber, BFF, girl, tell me you didn't tell him about that stupid spell? Tell me you didn't. No, you can't lie to me. You did. Why did you do that?” Tamara groaned.

“It was only fair, Tamara,” Amber said.

“Is he still talking to you? Did he run away from you like you were a total psycho?” Tamara asked.

“No, actually, he still wants to go to the dance with me,” Amber said.

“Then either he's psycho or he really likes you,” Tamara said.

“Of course he does. At the moment at least. Remember he's under a spell,” Amber said, “There's Dad. I have to go.”

“See you tomorrow,” Tamara said


“So how are we going to reverse the spell?” Joshua asked, deepening his voice in a corny attempt at sounding spooky.