“Thanks, I think,” Amber laughed.

“That's the love spell talking,” she thought to herself as she sprinted back inside.

Amber's morning classes were canceled. The school board was hosting an assembly on the school's new adaptation of the zero tolerance policy. She and Tamara were whispering back and forth, as were most of their classmates.

“Has he asked you to the dance yet?” Tamara whispered.

“No,” Amber shook her head, “Do you have a date yet?”

“No, but I'm thinking of asking Doug,” Tamara said.

“Doug from the basketball team?” Amber asked, “I thought you didn't like jocks?”

“No, I don't like Joshua Nelson or Alexander-the-Not-So-Great. I never said I didn't like jocks,” Tamara giggled.

“Girls!” Mr. O'Bannon warned from the row behind them.

“Sorry,” they both muttered.

For a few minutes they were quiet, but soon their attention strayed again.

“You're going to ask him?” Amber asked, “Isn't that a little backwards?”

“No, it's not,” Tamara shook her head, “I've seen something I want and I'm going to go for it. That's pretty straightforward, not backwards.”

“I don't think I could ever ask a guy to the dance,” Amber said.

“You should ask Joshua to go with you,” Tamara whispered.

“I can't and you know wh…” Amber began.

“BE QUIET!” Mr. O'Bannon hissed leaning between them.

“Ahh!” Amber startled and nearly fell backwards.

“Both of you out of here! If you can't listen quietly you can wait in the hall!” Mr. O'Bannon said.

“Gladly,” Tamara said and stood up.

Amber cringed. She would never talk to a teacher that way. Sheepishly she followed Tamara into the hall. Being sent to the hall during assembly was supposed to be a punishment, but it was an escape.

“Don't worry about it, Amber,” Tamara said, “We get to talk now, without O'Bannon butting his nose into our business.

“Yeah, I guess so,” Amber said, sitting down against the wall.

“So are you going to ask him?” Tamara asked.

“I told you I can'..” Amber's words were cut short again by an approaching figure.

“Hey Amber and Amber's BFF,” Joshua grinned.

“Her name's Tamara,” Amber smiled.

“That's cool,” Joshua said

, sitting down next to Amber, “What did you guys do to get kicked out?”

“Talking,” Amber shrugged.