“I'm worried about him,” Amber told Tamara at lunch.

“Why? People miss school all the time. Maybe he skipped or something,” Tamara said.

“Or maybe the spell went wrong again and it's fried his brain. He could be out there walking around like some lovesick zombie,” Amber sighed.

“No, just no, girl,” Tamara shook her head, “What would he be yelling 'AMBER! AMBER!' instead of 'BRAINS! FEED ME BRAIN!'?”

“I'm being serious, Tamara,” Amber sighed.

“So am I,” Tamara said, drinking the last of her chocolate milk, “Do you want to go shopping this weekend?”

“Can't I'm busy,” Amber said.

“Doing what?” Tamara asked.

“Doing what I'll be doing forever or at least until the spell ends on its own,” Amber sighed and stormed off.

'The Secret Book of Spells for Ladies in Love' was still not at the library that evening when Amber checked.


“What's wrong, kiddo?” her dad asked on his way out the door.

“Nothing,” Amber said, pushing her cereal around the bowl.

“We'll talk about it later, okay?” he said before disappearing.

“I need toothpicks to hold my eyelids up,” Amber groaned.

She had stayed up late again continuing her search online. All she had to show for it was a lack of sleep and the bags under her eyes. After she finished breakfast she tried to use foundation to hide the tell-tale signs of her sleepless night and failed.

“Screw it,” she shrugged looking at the clock. She was running late and it was raining, “I don't have any more time to mess with this.”

Amber quickly washed the makeup off and grabbed her backpack and umbrella. She held tightly to the latter as she walked to the bus stop. The wind caught her umbrella and carried it across the street. She chased after it until it became caught in tree branches too high for her to reach.

“Damn it!” she swore and pushed her wet hair out of her face.

“Taking advantage of the free shower?” a voice called from behind her.

“What the…?” Amber turned around to see Joshua's car, “Not funny.”

“Since you don't appreciate my humor, maybe I won't offer you a ride to school after all. Maybe you'll appreciate Larry's humor,” he laughed.

“Shut up,” Amber laughed.

“Don't just stand in the rain! Get in!” Joshua said.

Amber slipped off her backpack and slid into the passenger seat.

“Thanks,” she said, slamming the door shut and locking out the rain.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Now that she was still Amber could feel the goosebumps that had formed on her body, making her shiver.

“Let's swing by your place so you can change,” Joshua said.

“Thanks,” Amber frowned, “I must look like a total loser.”

“No, you don't,” Joshua smiled, “You look like a person who was caught in the rain. It happens to everyone, but wet hair is beautiful on you.”