“I don't know,” Joshua said, “Maybe make my next phone indestructible.”

“That's a good one,” Amber laughed.

“What's the second thing you would do?” Joshua asked.

“Learn how to reverse spells,” Amber said.

“Smart,” Joshua laughed, “I've got to get going. I have to finish an art project and my parents always want me home for dinner.”

“Okay, thanks for playing for me today,” Amber smiled.

“Thanks for singing with me today,” Joshua said, “And I do believe magic is real. It just has a different definition for me.”

“And what's that?” Amber asked.

“You'll just have to hang out with me again to find out,” he laughed.

“Later,” Amber waved as she watched him pull out of the driveway.

Chapter Nine


Despite spending most of Sunday afternoon searching the web for more information about the spell book Amber was no closer to reversing the spell. Her search yielded plenty of spells (both loves spells and otherwise) and plenty of warnings about love spells. What it did not produce was a way to reverse said spell. She had asked around on a few forums and everyone had told her that she just had to let the spell run its course and try not to get too attached to him until then.

“There's no way. The spells already out there! U should have been more careful!”

“Haha! Silly little girl! U shouldn't play with things you don't no about!”

“OMG! Do u really like him now? Talk about karma! It's going to suck for u when it finally wears off. LMAO!”

They were all right. She should never have done the spell, but Amber wasn't giving up on reversing it. Karma was already biting her behind anyway. She did like Joshua Kirk. He could make her laugh and he could play guitar. Joshua Kirk made her feel good in her own skin, but that would end when the spell finally lived out its life.

Joshua wasn't on the bus and Amber wondered if he would be at school. His dad might have needed him to help again or the spell died over night. Why had he been riding the bus to school anyway? He had a car. Okay, it could have been his parents' car.

“Hey,” Tamara said, when the pair met at their lockers.

“Hey,” Amber said.

“You never called me this weekend. How did it go?” she asked.

“It went great. Too great, Tamara,” Amber sighed.

“What's that supposed to mean? You're not still caught up on that spell stuff are you?” Tamara asked.

“It's real,” Amber sighed.

“Just forget about it okay. You did the spell, but since magic isn't real nothing happened,” Tamara said.

“Then how do you explain him suddenly noticing me?” Amber asked, “After I screwed up the spell?”

“Coincidence. He most likely noticed you before, but you just didn't notice him,” Tamara sighed, “I'll see you in drama.”

“Later,” Amber sighed.

Amber had a Joshua Kirk free morning. She saw Joshua Nelson three times, but the glamour had worn off.

“I can't worry about his dimples right now,” she told herself, “I have bigger fish to fry. He's just a minnow anyway.”