“Do you sing?” he asked her.

“No. Not really. I suck at it,” Amber said, blushing.

“Every girl says that,” he chuckled, “Come on, let's hear it. What should I play?”

“No, I don't sing,” she said again.

“Come on, I won't laugh, but I bet you're not as horrible as you think,” Joshua said.

“I bet I'm twice as horrible as I think,” Amber said.

“Come on, it's just for fun. It's not like I'm dragging you on stage in front of a million people,” Joshua said.

“Fair enough,” Amber sighed.

“So what should I play?” he asked.

“I don't know. I don't think I know any songs by heart,” Amber said.

“Do you listen to the radio?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Amber nodded.

“Then I know what to play,” Joshua said.

His fingers moved across the strings of his guitar and music cut through the air replicating one of the more popular songs on the radio. It was a love song and a corny one in Amber's opinion, but since she was

trying to be a good sport she sang along.

“You're not bad at all,” Joshua said when the song was through, “What should we sing next?”

“I think I've done all the singing I should for the day,” Amber laughed.

“Okay, so twenty questions it is,” he laughed, “You go first.”

“Do you believe in magic?” Amber asked.

“Why did I ask him that? He's going to think I'm crazy.”

“Magic?” Joshua asked, arching a brow, “Like a magician's sleight of hand or like the wand waving sort?”

“Sorta neither. Like real spells and stuff,” Amber said.

“Anything's possible, but I think that's improbable. If spells worked, I mean life would be easy. We could just craft up a spell for anything we wanted,” Joshua said.

“I don't think it would be that easy,” Amber said, “I think that there would be all sorts of complications that no one warned you about. You're turn.”

“If magic were real, what spell would you do first?” Joshua asked.

“Something to make my dad cool,” Amber said, not wanting to admit that she had done her first spell and magic was something that was very real.

“That's nice of you, but don't you think that would have complications? If he was cool, he wouldn't be the person you knew anymore,” he said.

“I told you magic's complicated. That's why no one uses it,” Amber laughed, “My turn, would be the second thing you'd do?”

“Not the first?” he asked.

“No, the first would most likely be on a whim, just so you could find out if it worked. The second thing would be more thought out,” Amber explained.