“We need to find away to break the spell,” Amber said.

“Where do we start?” Tamara asked.

“We need to find the book. It was called 'The Secret Book of Spells for Ladies in Love'.”

“Let's get to looking, but Amber, just because you read something in a book doesn't mean it's true, okay, girl?” Tamara asked.

“I know that,” Amber sighed.

“I'm not sure you do, girl, I'm not so sure you do,” Tamara laughed.

Amber searched the fifth shelf of the aisle where she had found 'The Secret Book of Spells for Ladies in Love'.

“Come on,” she whispered, “Come on. I know it was here. This is right where I found it.”

Amber dropped to her knees and moved slowly down the length of the aisle again.

“Maybe they put it somewhere else or some other fool checked it out,” Tamara sighed.

“No!” Amber said.

Her hands shook as she searched the shelf again. Amber's heart thumped against her ribcage and her fingers moved frantically across the books.

“It has to be here! It has to!” she thought to herself.

“Why don't we just ask Mrs. Galiey?” Tamara sighed.

“Because Mrs. Galiey didn't give me the book,” Amber said.

“Well, it doesn't matter who gave it to you. If it's been in the library, Mrs. Galiey will know right where it's at. Come on,” Tamara said and pulled Amber to her feet.

Amber allowed Tamara to lead her through the library to the check out desk.

“We want to know if you have a book here,” Tamara said.

“And which book would that be, girls?” Mrs. Galiey asked.

“'The Secret Book of Spells for Ladies in Love',” Amber said.

Mrs. Galiey turned away and typed rapidly on her computer. With each tap Amber cringed. The small noises echoed through the library before bouncing around Amber's skull.

“There's no book by that title in our system, girls,” Mrs. Galiey said when she turned back around.

“Are you sure?” Amber asked, “I checked it out before. Can you check again?”

“I could check again, Amber, but the computer says it doesn't exists in our system,” Mrs. Galiey sighed, “and the computer tracks all of our books.”

“Computers can glitch though,” Amber sighed, “because I've checked it out before.”

“Books sometimes leave our shelves never to return. Damaged beyond repair or lost somewhere dark. I'm sorry, but it happens,” the librarian said.

“I want to speak to the other librarian!” Amber said.

“Amber, I am the only Librarian, you know that,” Mrs. Galiey frowned.

“No, you're not. The other lady wears her hair in a messy bun and she's the one who helped me find the book last time. I want to s

peak with her! When will she be working again?” Amber demanded.