“That one ends weirdly,” Amber said, as she approached him.

“Not really,” Joshua shrugged.

“Have you read it before?” Amber asked.

“Yeah, twice. It's one of my favorites,” he said, placing his bookmark inside and meeting Amber's eyes, “I thought you stayed really busy?”

Amber tried to ignore the hot blush spreading across her cheeks.

“I usually do,” she said, “Like right now I'm looking for something to read.”

“You should read this one again,” he said and offered the book to her.

“No, I'm okay,” Amber shook her head.

“Read it again. It might make better sense the second time around,” he said, still holding out the book.

“I don't think so. It just didn't end right. All through the book the main character is chasing after Gretta. He's in love with her. He's been in love with her since they were little kids and neighbors and in the end he just walks away. Brett walks away and leaves her to drown,” Amber said.

“No, he didn't,” Joshua said.

“Yes, he did!” Amber said, “I've read the book.”

“No, he didn't. Brett was in the psych ward. Gretta was the nurse who took care of him, but he didn't know it. He didn't have memory of anything that happened after the accident, but she got married and moved on. In the end, Brett's memory returns and his minds conjures a hallucination of her being gone forever so he can move on,” Joshua explained.

As he spoke Amber found herself lulled by the sound of his voice. His words fell up and down, like Mrs. Kelly when she read poetry to the class.

“That's deep,” Amber laughed.

“Like I said, read it again,” Joshua grinned.

“I will,” Amber nodded.

“So what else do you read?” he asked.

“Just about anything I can get my hands on,” Amber admitted.

“Then read these three next,” Joshua said pointing out three other paperbacks, “They're by the same guy and they're freaking awesome.”

“Do Gretta and Brett ever get together?” Amber asked.

“No, they were never intended to. He was just obsessed with her,” Joshua shrugged.

“That's a bummer,” Amber sighed.

“Not everyone can have their happy ending. Some people have to miss out on one for someone else to have theirs,” Joshua said.

“I don't believe that,” Amber laughed.

“Most girls don't,” Joshua shrugged, “So now that you have something to read what are you busy with?”

“Well, at the moment I'm really busy talking to this guy from math,” Amber laughed.

“And how long is this going to be keeping you busy?” Joshua grinned.

“For awhile, I guess,” Amber shrugged, “but my schedule changes frequently.”

“Fair enough, wanna sit down?” Joshua asked.