“What the hell?” Amber thought, her eyes darting around the bus.

The guy from math class boarded the bus.

“Since when does he ride the bus?” Amber wondered, “I never knew he lived so close to me. How do I not know these things? No one knows their neighbors anymore, not really.”

Amber's heart pounded against her chest as the guy walked towards her.

“Is he going to try to sit with me?” she thought and rolled her eyes, “Why do I always get hit on by strange kids on the bus?”

“Hey,” the guys said, sliding into the seat in front of her.

Amber let out a silent sigh of relief and studded him. He sat sideways in the seat with one leg bent up and his back to the window.

“Umm…hi,” Amber said, caught off-guard.

“How's it going?” he asked.

His hair wasn't as dark as Joshua Nelson's and his eyes weren't blue, but a deep brown. Amber wondered if he had dimples and if they were as cute as Joshua's? She mentally shook herself. This wasn't right.

“Most likely not!” she thought to herself.

“It's going,” Amber laughed, leaning back into the seat, “I'm just glad it's Friday.”

“Me too,” he said.

Amber wasn't sure what else to say so she allowed herself to zone into the sound of the buses engine. Her heart beat slowly returned to its normal pace and the goosebumps faded. Something was different. Something was out of place, but Amber couldn't put her finger on it. She shook her head and blinked.

“What the hell had just happened?” Amber thought to herself, “I need to get more sleep or something, because I think I'm losing it.”

“See you in math,” he said as they got off the bus.

“See ya,” Amber said and headed to her locker.

“I should have at least asked his name,” she sighed to herself as she tried her combination for the third time.

“Over one,” Tamara said appearing next to her, “This is mine. Scoot it.”

Amber laughed and took a step to the right. She spun the dial around and around stopping easily at the correct spots and her locker opened.

“He was on the bus today,” Amber said.

“Impossible,” Tamara said, “His house isn't on the same route.”

“Who are you talking about?” Amber asked, feeling confused.

“Joshua Nelson of course,” Tamara sighed.

“No, not him,” Amber said, shaking her head, “The guy from the caf. You know, the one in my math class?”

“Oh, him. What? Does he normally ride the bus? Did you talk to him?” Tamara asked, “What did you talk about? Did he ask you to the dance?”

“Slow down!” Amber laughed, “No, this is the first time I've ever seen him ride the bus. Yes, we talked, but not really. It was just 'Hi, let's be happy it's Friday!” stuff.

“That's it?” Tamara asked.

“Yeah,” Amber frowned.

“Well, it's a start,” Tamara nodded.