“How much is it?” Mary asked.

“One hundred seventy-five dollars,” Tamara frowned.

“Don't worry about it, sweetheart,” Mary said, “I'll cover the rest.”

“Really?” Tamara asked.

“Really!” Mary laughed.

After Amber changed out of the dress, the girls paid for the purchases and said goodbye to Mary. She looked sad to see them leave, but they were starving and it was lunch time.

“She's a good woman. She should have had another kid after Katie died,” Tamara said.

“Truth,” Amber nodded.

“Look, Amber, I meant what I said earlier. I'm starting to worry about you. You're too wrapped up in that damn boy,” Tamara said, stopping her and pulling her next to the wall.

“It's okay, Tamara,” Amber smiled, “He's going to be my date to the dance.”

“No, he's not, Amber,” Tamara sighed, “That's what I mean. You've got to give this up. If he hasn't noticed you yet, he's not going to! I don't want to watch you spend the rest of high-school pining over that jerk!”

“I'm not going to be pining over him, Tamara,” Amber sighed, “He's going to ask me to the dance.”

“Do you have dirt on Sandra or something?” Tamara asked.

“No, I just have a feeling,” Amber grinned, “Now can we go eat?”

The girls ordered tacos from a local joint that had said up shop in the mall's food court. They were chowing down when the hair on the back of Amber's neck stood up.

“He's here,” she hissed to Tamara.

“Who?” Tamara asked.

“Joshua Nelson, he's here,” Amber whispered.

“Oh, him,” Tamara sighed, “Where is he?”

“I don't know, but I can feel it! He's here!” Amber said.

“You're right,” Tamara laughed, “Look behind you. He is here. He's here with Sandra.”

“What?” Amber said, turning to look.

Joshua Nelson was standing in line at the burger joint with Sandra hanging from his arm. Sandra was tall and lean, with long dark hair.

“I'm going to go walk by,” Amber said.

“Don't, please, Amber, just give it up,” Tamara sighed.

“Shush!” Amber said and stood up, “You're my BFF! You're supposed to be my moral support!”

“It's my job as your BFF to tell you when you've lost your mind and girl, you're getting close!” Tamara said, grabbing Amber's arm, “Just finish eating and we'll go find some cute tops, okay?”

“I'll only be a minute,” Amber smiled and gently broke out of Tamara's grasp.

After checking her reflection in the napkin dispenser Amber sauntered by the burger line. Joshua was leaning down, whispering something in Sandra's ear. Sandra's throaty laughter vibrated through Amber, unnerving her. Were they laughing at her?

“No, it's true,” Joshua laughed, “That's exactly what happened.”