“Good let's go,” Tamara said, opening the door.

“See you girls later,” Amber's dad called out, “Be safe, have fun, and if you see Joshua Nelson tell him I said hi.”

Amber and Tamara sprinted down the drive laughing.

“You're dad can be pretty funny sometimes,” Tamara said as they got into the car.

“Yeah, but only sometimes,” Amber laughed, “Hi, Mrs. Page.”

“Hi, Amber,” Mrs. Page said, “Are you girls buckled up? I have a coupon for two dollars off my favorite ice cream! With it being double coupon day, my ice cream is going to taste even better free. I just need to get there before the other heifers buy it all out.”

Tamara looked back at Amber who nodded that she was buckled up and ready to hit the road.

“We're ready, Mom,” Tamara said.

“Hang tight, girls,” Mrs. Page said as she sped out of the driveway, her long blonde weave flowing behind her head, nearly hitting Amber in the face.

“Nice weave, Mrs. Page,” Amber laughed.

“Tamara doesn't like it,” she said, “I on the other hand think it looks sexified!”

“That's not a real word, Mom,” Tamara said and rolled her eyes.

“Don't roll your eyes at me, young lady, you can hate on my weave all you want, but don't be rude,” Mrs. Page scolded.

“Sorry, Mom,” Tamara said.

“And for your FYI, I'll invent new words whenever I want to,” Mrs. Page laughed.

“I think it looks great,” Amber said.

“Thank you,” Mrs. Page smiled at her in the rear-view mirror, “At least your friend has style, Tamara.”

“Out you go, girls, hurry it up!” Mrs. Page said, “I can hear my ice cream screaming my name now. Have fun, you two, and remember Tamara don't spend more than seventy five dollars on your dress. Even that's too much to really spend on a dress you'll wear once, maybe twice. If you don't find one you like we can order you one from that penny auction site! It'd be a lot cheaper!”

“No thanks, Mom,” Tamara said, but her mother was already driving away.

“Just so you know, Amber, we won't be leaving this mall until I find something. I refuse to encourage her with that stupid penny auction website!” Tamara said.

The girls stopped and checked their reflections in the mall windows before going inside. Amber frowned at her hair. It was frizzed out beyond belief and wouldn't lay down no matter what she did with it.

“You look fine, girl,” Tamara said.

“Thanks, you too,” Amber answered.

“Where are we headed first? I thought we'd start with the dresses since it's the main object of our shopping mission today,” Tamara said.

“You're starting to sound like your mom,” Amber laughed.

“Shut up and follow me,” Tamara said, rolling her eyes and speed walking off.

Amber had to take long quick strides to keep up with her BFF. Stores, kiosks, and other shoppers blurred by until Tamara finally came to a stop in front Katie's. Tamara always wanted to begin their search at Katie's, because her family knew the owner and she could usually get them a decent deal.

“Hey, Mary!” Amber smiled at the lady behind the counter.

Mary was the store owner. She named the store after her young daughter who had lost her battle with childhood leukemia.

“Hey, girls!” Mary called back brightly, “Here to get your dresses for the dance, early?”