She glanced up at the clock.

“One fifteen?” she muttered to herself and gently bumped her forehead against the table a few times, “Lobster only left fifteen minutes ago


* * * *


Clarissa ordered a soda and twirled the straw around the drink until all the ice melted.


Clarissa buried her face in her arms and took a deep breath.


Clarissa asked the bartender if he was sure the clock was working. He in returned assured her he changed the battery yesterday.

“How long does this normally take?” Clarissa asked, having never known someone who had been arrested.

“Depends,” Hugo grunted.

“On what?” Clarissa asked.

“The circumstances,” he said before returning his attention to his wife.

Clarissa bit her lip and balled her hands into fists.

“Easy for you to be chill about it,” she thought to herself, “Your wife is sitting right there. If it were her in jail, if you had seen her get arrested...”


Clarissa sprinted to the bathroom and locked herself inside the largest stall. She leaned against the solid wall and gently banged her fist into it as hot angry tears streamed down her face. She slid to the floor, but quickly forced herself to stand up.

“I don’t know what’s been on these floors,” she cried, “I’m never going to see Skull again and I’m going to catch something! Ewww! Ewww! Ewww!”


Having regained her composure Clarissa returned to the barroom and ordered another soda. She drank this one and then used the straw to swirl the ice around the glass.


“Did they arrest Lobster too?” she thought to herself.


“Maybe Lobster wasn’t going to help him after all and they just wanted to keep me out of the way?”


“Should I call Julie? No definitely not,” she shook her head, “She’d never understand it and she’d blab to everyone. She might even call my parents! What the hell would I tell my parents?”


“Maybe I should just go home,” Clarissa thought as she tapped her head on the table again.
