“Damn it!” she hissed and slid out of the truck bed.

“I'm sorry,” Jake said.

“No, I fell asleep too,” she sighed

“It's been a long day,” he said, “Come on, I'll drive you back.”

By the time the truck pulled into the driveway Alyssa had fallen asleep again.

“We're here,” he whispered.

“Oh,” she smiled.

“Where have you been?” Mattie's angry voice came from the porch.

“I think I have a new mommy,” Alyssa laughed softly.

Chapter 14: Jake

Over the next few weeks Jake barely had time to sleep or see Alyssa. Running back and forth between, work, school, and football practice he was beginning to feel like a dog chasing his own tail.

Jake was sitting down alone for a late night dinner when his dad came through the door.

“Usually I would tell you off for coming in late, but since you beat me home I'll let it slide,” his dad chuckled.

Jake nodded sleepily and tried to focus on his food. His eyelids kept trying to drift shut, but his growling stomach kept him awake.

“I have something I want to tell you, Jake,” his dad said.

Jake blinked for a moment, trying to shake the fog of exhaustion from his brain.

“Okay,” he said.

“I wanted to tell you sooner, but decided to wait, just in case things didn't work out,” his dad said.

“In case what didn't work out, Dad?” he asked.

“You're mom and I have been talking again,” he said.

“What? You've been dating Mom?” Jake laughed.

“Yes,” he nodded.

“That's great!” he said.

The unexpected news gave him a new wind of energy. He dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

“Who are you calling?” his dad asked.

“I'm going to text Alyssa and tell her the good news,” Jake smiled.

“Now, we're taking things slow, so it might be awhile before she moves back in with us,” he said.

“I know, but I just want to tell her,” Jake grinned.

“I can understand that, son,” his father laughed, “have you kids talked about which college you're going to go to?”

“No, I figure we'll talk about it after the championship games,” Jake shrugged, “I want to wait and see what offers I get.”