“Hi,” he grinned.

“Hi,” Alyssa blinked at him, “did you follow me here?”

“Not exactly,” Jake said nervously, “but I was hoping to hangout.”

Alyssa looked at him for a moment and Jake feared that she would tell him to go away again, but she didn't. Instead she smiled and motioned for him to follow her.

Jake had never been a fan of Chinese food, but ordered sweet and sour chicken without the sauce just so he had something to eat.

“You don't like Chinese food?” she asked.

“Never have,” he shook his head.

“You're weird,” she laughed.

“You're one to talk, pom-pom girl,” Jake grinned.

An awkward silence settled over them as they ate. Jake wasn't sure what to talk about once he realized he didn't really know Alyssa at all.

“So why'd you help with the field?” she asked.

“I'm part of the team,” he shrugged.

“Fair enough,” she nodded.

Her phone rang and Jake winced. He feared that their date would be cut short.

“I'm going to eat here, Mattie,” she said.

There was a pause while the other person spoke.

“I ran into Jake,” Alyssa said.

Alyssa giggled and looked away from him for a moment.

“I'll see you soon,” she laughed and hung up.

“I was supposed to be getting dinner for a friend and my mom too,” she admitted.

“I'm sorry if I'm holding you up,” Jake frowned.

“No, I never got the chance to say thank you,” Alyssa said.

“For what?” Jake asked.

“For saving my pom-poms,” she said.

“No problem,” Jake laughed.

She acted as if they were made of gold or something, but then Jake had to admit he was just as protective over his football gear.

“Do you want to come over and hangout?” she asked, “It'll just be me and Mattie. My mom has to go back to work tonight.”

“Sure,” he grinned.

They finished eating and Alyssa ordered something for her mom and friend before they left. Jake made sure to stay right behind Alyssa as he drove to her house. He half feared that she would ditch him on the way there. In his experience most cheerleaders liked to have fun at the expense of others, and he didn't want to fall victim to one of their pranks.

Jake knew he wasn't being fair, because he knew Alyssa was different. At least she seemed different. Even the girls on her cheer team knew and that's why they were acting cruel towards her.