Alyssa stuffed the acceptance letter into her purse and quickly dressed. She didn't bother with how she looked, but instead just slipped on her favorite jeans and the first top she could grab.

“I'll be back, Mattie!” she said, “I have to go tell, Jake!”

“Okay,” Mattie mumbled without opening her eyes.

Alyssa dashed down the stairs and out the door. She knew she'd have to deal with her mom later, but right now was time to celebrate. On the way to Jake's she stopped to pick up breakfast at one of the diners he had taken her to.

She knew he'd still be asleep and she hoped to bribe him awake with food.

Alyssa was surprised when a woman answered the door.

“Hi, is Jake here?” she asked.

“He's still in bed, sweetheart,” she said.

“I just got my acceptance letter and wanted to tell him,” Alyssa frowned.

“Oh, you must be Alyssa,” the woman smiled, “I'm Jake's mom. Come on in and I'll see if I can summon him back to the world of the living.”

“Thanks,” Alyssa said, “tell him I brought breakfast. Those bacon burrito things he likes from that one little diner.”

“I will,” the older woman smiled.

Alyssa headed into the kitchen and set out the food. She paced back and forth as she waited for someone to come back.

“He'll be out in a minute, I think,” his mom said, “I forgot to congratulate you on your acceptance letter,”

“Thank you,” Alyssa grinned.

A few moments later Jake appeared looking more asleep than awake, but Alyssa pounced him anyway.

“I got accepted,” she whispered into his ear.

“Yes!” Jake shouted, suddenly seeming more awake.

“We're going to Georgia, baby!” Alyssa cheered.

“And you brought food,” Jake teased.

“That I did,” she grinned.

When they had almost finished breakfast Alyssa's cellphone rang. She ignored it thinking it was her mother.

“I think that's your phone, sweetheart,” Jake's mom said.

“Oh yea,” she said, pretending she hadn't heard it.

She glanced at the caller id and grinned when she seen Mattie's phone number.

“Hey,” Alyssa answered.

“Was I dreaming or did you get accepted to go to Georgia?” Mattie asked.

“I did!” Alyssa squealed into the phone!

She had to move the phone away from her head when Mattie began her squealing congratulatory statements.

“I'll see you later,” Alyssa said and ended the call.