“Maybe, my pink skirt,” she mused as she rinsed her plate and placed it in the dishwasher, “Or I could wear the new sea foam green one. It's really cute and Jake hasn't seen it yet.”

Thinking about clothes made Alyssa sad, because up until their fight Mattie had helped her decide what to wear. Now, that she wasn't talking to her she missed it greatly. Fussing over clothes wasn't as much fun alone.

Alyssa opened her closet door and sighed.

“I need to go shopping,” she sighed.

“Maybe we could go together tomorrow,” her mom said appearing out of nowhere.

“I can't tomorrow, Mom, I told you tomorrow night is Jake's big game,” Alyssa sighed.

“That's tomorrow night,” her mom said, “What about tomorrow afternoon?”

“I'll be with Jake then,” she sighed, “I know you're lonely, but I have things to get done.”

“Aren't you so nice?” her mother asked and left the room.

“You should have thought about that when you let Cody be an ass to me for years,” she thought to herself and resumed looking through her closet.

A few minutes later her mother appeared in the doorway again.

“What now?” she asked.

“Mattie's downstairs,” she said.

“I don't wanna talk to her,” Alyssa said, rolling her eyes.

“I think you should,” her mom said.

“Fine!” Alyssa sighed, “Send the witch up!”

Alyssa slammed her closet door shut and sat down on the window seat.

“Okay, you're here, what do you want?” she asked as soon as Mattie entered the room.

“I just wanted to say...” Mattie said, but stopped before she said much.

“Wanted to say what?” Alyssa asked, crossing her arms.

“That I'm sorry, okay?” Mattie frowned.

“Well, you should be,” Alyssa said.

“So should you!” Mattie retorted.

“For what?” Alyssa demanded.

“For not telling me what you were doing, Alyssa,” Mattie sighed.

“You don't own me!” Alyssa snapped.

“I'm not trying to own you,” Mattie sighed, “I just worry about you.”

“So you turned on me and blabbed my personal business to everyone because you were worried about me?” Alyssa asked.

“I know it was a crappy thing to do, but I was mad,” Mattie said, “First you dump me for the hag squad, then you leave me out of the loop as soon as you get a boyfriend.”

“So you're jealous of me because I have a boyfriend?” she asked.