“Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet Jake Taylors,” the coach said smiling.

They both shook Jake's hand in turn and introduced themselves.

“I'm Larry Nettles, one of the assistant coaches,” the tall man said.

“I'm Harry Stilles,” the shorter man said, “and once I sat in this same room waiting to speak with scouts from the very same school.”

“It's nice to meet you both,” Jake said.

“You nervous, kid?” Harry asked.

“As hell,” Jake admitted.

“Good,” the older man chuckled, “game nerves are always good. They keep you on your toes.”

As the meeting went on Jake was forced to admit that he had no clue what he wanted to take in college, but the scouts didn't seem too bothered by his indecision.

“Most people change their majors not long after they start anyway,” Harry chuckled.

Jake's hopes were high by the end of the meeting.

“We'll be watching you at state,” Larry said, “and if you can bring it home for your school, I'll promise you a place on our team next year.”

Jake left the meeting feeling upbeat and with a new found spring in his step. He almost walked right past Alyssa's car without noticing.

“Hey Jake,” she called.

“Oh, hi,” he laughed.

“So I take it from that smile you're wearing it went well?” she asked leaning out the window.

Jake sprinted over to her car and gave her a quick kiss.

“It went perfectly,” he grinned, “they said if we can bring home the state championship title, I'll be playing for them next year.”

“That's great news!” Alyssa cheered as she got out of her car and threw her arms around his neck.

Being close to her, reminded Jake that if his team win at state he wouldn't be seeing Alyssa very often. He hugged her and inhaled the scent of her shampoo. It smelled like some exotic fruit, although Jake couldn't recall which one.

“I have some news too,” Alyssa smiled.

“Yea?” Jake asked, managing a smile when she pulled away.

“I quit the squad,” she said hesitantly.

“How do you feel?” he asked.

“Great!” she laughed, “Better than I have in a long time actually.”

“As long as you're sure,” Jake smiled.

“I am very sure,” Alyssa said.

“Good,” Jake said.

“I have one more thing to tell you,” Alyssa grinned.
