“Not exactly,” Alyssa said, “When she asked how we planned to make it work, I told her that so she'd shut up about it.”

“Well, she's turned into a one woman interrogation squad,” he teased.

“I'll talk to her,” Alyssa said, “She shouldn't be bothering you at work.”

“I was on my lunch break,” Jake lied.

“Well, at least she didn't march into your store and start asking,” Alyssa sighed in relief.

“Too bad, that might have amused my boss,” Jake laughed.

“I'll let you get back to work,” Alyssa said, “I don't want you to get into trouble.”

“Yea,” Jake said, remembering she thought he was still at work.

“Thanks for letting me know, babe,” Alyssa said.

“Not a problem,” Jake smiled and hung up the phone.

Chapter 17: Alyssa

Alyssa had just finished her admissions essay that she had to attach to her application to the Georgia U. She slammed her notebook closed and sighed. What the hell was Mattie thinking?

“She has no right,” Alyssa said out loud.

“Who has no right, honey?” her mother asked.

“No one,” Alyssa said, “I was just thinking out loud. I'll go out and finish carrying in the groceries.”


hon,” her mother said and sat down at the kitchen table.

Alyssa tucked her notebook under her arm and ran out to get the groceries. She loaded her arms and hands down with all the remaining bags so she wouldn't have to make several trips. The weight pulled her towards the ground, but with a little effort she managed to get them inside.

After Alyssa put them away she sprinted upstairs to her bedroom and fell onto her bed. Why was Mattie acting like one of the squad girls? Why the hell did she have to get involved in her relationship? Was she trying to get Jake to breakup with her?

“Oh my!” Alyssa said, “Mattie is jealous of me! She's a jealous little witch!”

She thought about calling Mattie to confront her, but decided that it was something best handled face to face. That night Alyssa didn't sleep well. She tossed and turned, knocking the pillows and blankets out of the bed.

When the alarm went off Alyssa hit snooze three times before her mother stuck her head in to tell her she was going to be late. Alyssa swung her legs off the bed with a sigh. Today she was on her own, because even Mattie had turned against her.

She dressed quickly and brushed her teeth. Her mom had breakfast waiting for her, but she wasn't hungry. Anger was churning in her stomach and all she wanted to do was to confront Mattie on her outrageous behavior.

Alyssa pulled into her parking spot and killed the engine. Not too far away she could see the girls from her squad gathered around Katie's car. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes went wide when she realized standing in the middle of the group was Mattie. She was smiling and talking animatedly with her hands.

“That little traitor!” she mumbled under her breath and stalked over to where the group was standing.

“So I think she's going to break up with him and that's why she wouldn't tell me what her 'plan' was,” Mattie said.

She made little air quotes motions with her hands as she said the word plan.

“After she accepted his class ring?” Katie said in mock shock.

“Yep,” Mattie nodded.

“What the hell is going on here?” Alyssa demanded as she pushed her way through the girls to Mattie.