“Be sure to tell the scouts that, they'll love the team spirit,” Dave laughed, “They always eat that stuff up.”

“I'll have to remember that,” Jake nodded.

“Tell you what, kiddo, why don't you take the rest of the afternoon off. Maybe take your girlfriend out somewhere nice,” Dave said.

“Thank you, sir,” Jake said and clocked out of the register.

“My name's Dave, not sir,” Dave laughed.

“Thanks, Dave,” Jake said and headed out of the store.

Even before he left Jake knew he wasn't going to call Alyssa to hangout with him. He was too nervous about the meeting and didn't want to seem like a wimp. Jake also worried if they talked about the scouts, they might get into another fight.

For a moment he considered calling Craig or one of the other guys. Time had worked out their issues and they hadn't attempted any more crimes, so they were getting along again, but Jake wasn't sure how they would react to his good news.

The message hadn't given him enough information. The coach didn't say if the scouts were talking to any of the other guys, or if he had told any of his teammates about the scouts at all. He didn't want to do anything that might damage any of the team's morale. They were too close to holding that state championship title to let anything screw it up now.

He sank into an empty table at the food court to try to calm his nerves before he drove home. Jake looked around at the food stands, but nothing looked appetizing.

“Has Alyssa told you her plan?” Mattie asked appearing out of nowhere and sitting across from him.

Jake startled and then sighed in frustration. He had watched things like this play out several times. Jake rolled his eyes. He hadn't thought Mattie would be the sort of person who would try to sabotage her friend's relationship, but maybe he had read her wrong.

“What?” Jake asked.

“Has Alyssa told you her plan?” Mattie asked again.

“I don't know what you're talking about,” Jake sighed.

“I don't either, that's why I'm asking you,” Mattie said.

“What are you attempting to obtain from this conversation?” he asked.

“I'm just trying to figure out what Alyssa's not telling me,” Mattie sighed.

“Well, if she didn't tell you, it's none of your business, is it?” Jake asked, arching a blonde brow.

“She didn't tell you either, then?” Mattie asked, “Doesn't that bother you?”

“It's not like we're married,” Jake said.

“Not yet,” Mattie said, “but if she keeps secrets now, don't you think she'll keep them then too?”

“I'm through with this conversation,” Jake sighed, “I'll let Alyssa know what you had to say.”

“Now, come on,” Mattie whined, “you don't have to tell her. I just want to know what she's up to.”

Jake shook his head and walked away. Why were girls so nosy?

“Looks like I'm calling Alyssa, after all,” he sighed as he climbed into his truck.

“Hey babe,” Alyssa said.

Jake smiled at the sound of her voice. She sounded much more cheerful than she had when he last talked to her. He almost changed his mind and didn't tell her about his conversation with Mattie, but he didn't want that nosy girl to turn things around on him.

“Oh, Jake,” Alyssa sighed, “I'm so sorry. She's just being weird.”

“So you don't have some top secret plan, then?” Jake laughed.