“I promise you, I'll do everything in my power to make it work,” he said holding her hand in his.

A smile spread across Alyssa's tear stained face and Jake sighed in relief. Alyssa's hands were still trembling, but somewhere deep inside of her a small spark of hope was burning bright. She rested her head against Jake's chest and just enjoyed the moment.

She had watched girls on the squad breakup with their boyfriends for silly things and she didn't want to be one of those girls. Her smile broadened as a vague plan began to form in her mind. Her mother wouldn't like it and Mattie might never forgive her, but she knew she had to live her life for herself and her happiness. She hoped that they would eventually understand.

If she had been asked to define happiness at that moment she would have simply answered: Jake. Luckily, no one asked her.

The sun began to set and Jake headed home. Mattie came and sat on the porch with her, but they didn't talk much. Alyssa could already feel a new separation beginning between her and her best friend. She didn't like it, but thought that it was a normal part of growing up.

“So what happened?” Mattie asked.

Alyssa could tell she had been holding in the question since Jake left and could no longer contain her curiosity. She held up her hand showing Mattie Jake's class ring.

“What about college and his football?” Mattie asked.

“We'll work it out,” Alyssa shrugged.

“How?” Mattie asked.

“I have a plan,” Alyssa smiled.

“A plan, you're not going to share?” she asked, looking hurt.

“I'll let you know it soon, but not until I get the courage up to follow through on it,” Alyssa laughed.

“If it takes gathering courage maybe we better discuss it first,” Mattie said, trying to obtain more information from her.

“I'm going to head home, Mattie,” she said as she got to her feet, “all that crying has made me hungry.”

“We could go get Chinese and you could tell me about your plan,” Mattie suggested.

“And I'm exhausted,” she smiled, “I'll see you at school on Monday, Mattie.”

“Kay, bye,” Mattie sighed and flopped down on the porch swing.

Alyssa arrived home to an empty house and was instantly relieved. She wasn't sure how she would explain things to her mother, and now that Cody was gone, she was asking more questions than ever.

She didn't want to lie to her mom, so she just wouldn't mention their fight. Outside of Mattie no one would ever know, and she knew Mattie knew how to keep her lips zipped. At least, Alyssa hoped that was a skill Mattie still possessed.

Chapter 16: Jake

Jake spent the remainder of the weekend working at Dave's, but his mind was on more serious matters than which knee guards were best for little league players. He had never been to a meeting with a scout and wasn't sure what to expect. He wished he had been able to talk to the coach the night he called.

Jake's hands trembled just thinking about the meeting. He wasn't even sure what he hoped the outcome would be. For his career it would be better if the scout wanted to recruit him, but despite what he had told Alyssa, that outcome might mean the end of their relationship. It wasn't like he wanted to breakup with if he went to Georgia, but he too had heard stories of how badly long distance relationships could go.

Part of him was angry at her for not wanting to go with him. He knew they hadn't been dating long, but somewhere along the way he had began to see his future as their future. He wasn't sure such a thing could exist if they spent the next few years in different states.

“Get your head in the game,” Dave laughed.

“Sorry,” Jake sighed.

“Not a problem, this time of day is always slow,” Dave said, “but what's on your mind, kiddo?”

Jake told him about the meeting with the scouts on Monday, but not about the fight with Alyssa. He didn't want his boss to think that he was letting their relationship distract him from his work, even if it was.

“That's great news!” Dave grinned, his loud voice booming around the store and startling two older men looking at golf clubs, “It's because you're going to state! See they recognize talent, and to take the Snakes there after such a long losing streak means something to them.”

“It was a team effort,” Jake chuckled, not wanting to sound too full of himself.