“You better, or it might hurt Jakie-poos feelings,” Mattie laughed.

“Don't call him that,” Alyssa said.

“Why not? Are you not to the pet name stage yet?” she teased.

“I will never call Jake, Jakie-poo, it makes me think of a poodle or something,” Alyssa laughed.

“Yea, and I've never seen a blonde poodle before,” Mattie said laughing so hard that she nearly dropped the curling iron.

“Be careful!” Alyssa squeaked.

“Sorry,” Mattie said looking sheepish.

Alyssa drove to Jake's school with Mattie riding shotgun. She would leave the dance with Jake and he'd bring her back to Mattie's aunt's house later.

“Be careful with my car, Mattie, I mean it!” Alyssa warned before she got out.

“I will!” Mattie said, “I've never been in an accident.”

“I know,” Alyssa sighed.

Jake was waiting for her by the door. He looked stunning in his tie and tux.

“You look beautiful tonight,” he said, offering his arm to her.

“Thanks,” she blushed.

Jake was always complementing her, but Alyssa wasn't totally used to it yet. Mattie said most girls would have to pay to receive complements like the ones Jake gave her. That made her nervous. Did he really think she was awesome or was it flattery?

Alyssa shook her head to chase away her doubts. This was no time to contemplate the dynamics of their relationship. Tonight was about celebrating the win and the fact that Jake was going to the state championship.

She had went to dances with boys before, but most of the time ended up just talking with the other girls. Alyssa was usually too shy to dance in front of others, but being around Jake made her feel more confident.

“Would you like to dance?” he asked her when a slow song came on.

“I'd love to,” Alyssa grinned.

“You played really well tonight,” she said as they danced.

“I couldn't let you down,” he chuckled.

“The girls are going to hate me come Monday, but I'm okay with that,” she grinned, “I think I'm going to quit the squad anyway.”

“Huh?” Jake asked.

“Well, I need to study for my SATs and start to work on college applications and I just don't enjoy it anymore,” she explained.

The homecoming dance ended too soon for Alyssa, but she had to admit that she was exhausted. Her legs and feet were aching from cheering and then dancing, but she didn't want the night to end.

She and Jake left his teammates and their dates behind to grab burgers and drive to the park. Alyssa was surprised at how natural it felt for her to wear her expensive dress and sit in the park with Jake eating cheeseburgers.

She kicked off her heels and climbed onto the tailgate beside of Jake. After they finished eating, Alyssa rested her head against his shoulder and looked up at the stars. She didn't realize she had fallen asleep until she woke up cuddled up to Jake in the bed of his truck. Her phone was ringing off the hook, but she didn't want to move to find her purse.

“Your phone is ringing,” Jake whispered.

“That's Mattie's ring tone,” she sighed and sat up, “she's most likely worried about me. What time is it?”

“Almost four,” Jake said looking down at his phone.