“I'm nervous about meeting your dad,” she admitted.

“You shouldn't be,” Jake laughed, “I think he's calmed down a bit.”

“What if he doesn't like me?” she asked.

“He will,” Jake assured her.

In fact, Jake couldn't imagine anyone not liking Alyssa. She was beautiful with a dazzling personality that could make the devil behave himself.

His father acted normal during dinner much to Jake's relief.

“So what does your father do for a living?” he asked.

Jake went pale. He had forgot to tell him about Alyssa's dad.

“My dad was a police officer,” Alyssa said with a polite smile, “but now I think he's my full time guardian angel.”

Jake let out a sigh of relief that Alyssa hadn't been offended by his father's question. She gave him a reassuring smile and he figured she must be used to answering questions like that by now.

“Well, I hate to run out on you kids, but I have a lovely lady waiting for me at the movie theater,” his father said.

“What?” Jake asked.

“You're not the only one dating, Jake,” his father laughed and left the


“That's odd,” Jake said when he was gone.

“Maybe that's why he's feeling better,” Alyssa teased.

“Maybe,” Jake agreed, “I just hope it works out.”

“Do you want to go to the park before I have to leave?” she asked.

“Yea,” Jake said with a grin.

They didn't say much as they walked the trail, but they did hold hands. Jake was already tired and he had to drive Alyssa back to her car soon. He yawned and Alyssa smiled at him.

“Maybe we should head back,” she said.

“I'm sorry,” Jake said, trying unsuccessfully to suppress another yawn.

“Don't be,” she smiled, “I'm tired too. It's been a long week.”

“Oh, I wanted to ask you, do you want to come to homecoming with me?” Jake asked.

“I'd love to, but am I allowed?” she asked.

“Yes, we can bring students from other schools,” Jake nodded, “I double checked today.”

“Then I'd love to,” she smiled.

“It will also be the last game before we find out who goes to the championship,” Jake smiled.

“You mean it will be the last game, before you go to the championship,” she teased playfully hitting his arm.

“I wish I was as sure of that as you are,” Jake laughed.