“I'm sorry,” Alyssa frowned.

“Don't be,” Jake sighed, “I'm used to it by now and so is he. He'll get over it.”

“I hope so,” Alyssa smiled, “You get so tense when you talk about him.”

“Sorry,” Jake said, blushing.

“No, don't be,” Alyssa said.

She stopped and put her hands on his shoulders. Jake watched her rise to her tiptoes and he wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned down. Their lips met for a second before the sound of a barking dog made them both jump apart.

An elderly couple walked by giving them a knowing smile.

“Young love,” the older woman sighed when she thought they were out of earshot.

A few seconds later Jake and Alyssa both broke out into a fit of laughter. Jake wasn't sure why he was laughing, but it felt so good, like the first breath of air after coming up from below the surface of the water.

When the sun began to set they began the walk back to Jake's truck. He knew he was going to miss curfew again, but it was worth it.

“I wish this moment could last forever,” Alyssa said pausing at the end of the trail, “It's so peaceful out here.”

“We'll come back,” Jake assured her.

“I hope so,” Alyssa grinned.

Jake opened her door and waited for her to get in. She began to move and then paused. A second later she gave him a quick kiss and then scurried into the truck. Jake's heart pounded in his chest as he walked around to the driver's side. He was really beginning to like Alyssa.

“I have practice tomorrow, work Wednesday, and then a game on Thursday, but we could hang out on Friday if you want,” Jake suggested.

“That sounds good,” Alyssa smiled, “but I think I may come to your game.”

Jake wasn't sure what he thought about that. He wanted to see her again as soon as possible, but he knew the guys would never let him live it down. Jake shook off the worries, because after high school if things went right he most likely wouldn't see them very often.

“You need better cheerleaders,” she grinned, “so, I thought I'd bring you some spirit.”

“I'd like that,” Jake grinned.

Jake had planned to hang out in the parking lot with Alyssa for awhile, but as soon as they pulled in, another girl was at Alyssa's window. She looked wild eyed and panicky.

“Cody's car is in your driveway,” the girl screeched.

“What?” Alyssa demanded.

Jake could tell that Alyssa was close to tears, but wasn't sure what to do.

“I heard them arguing when I drove by the last time too,” the girl screeched.

“I have to go, Jake,” she said turning towards him.

“I can drive over too, just in case,” he offered.

A grin spread across his face when her eyes lit up.

“Thank you,” she said and gave him a quick hug.

Once back at Alyssa's house they found that Cody's car was gone, but Jake still waited until he found out that her mom was okay before he left.

When she came back out he could tell she had been crying.