“Anywhere but here,” Alyssa laughed.

“That bad, huh?” he asked.

Alyssa nodded, but didn't offer any information.

“I was thinking we'd go to Givi's Pizza tonight,” Jake said, pulling out of the parking lot.

“I've never been there, so that should be nice,” Alyssa said.

“Their pizza is the best anywhere,” Jake said.

“We'll just see about that,” she teased.

On the drive to the Givi's, Alyssa told him about her day. It seemed to Jake that girls were much meaner to their own than guys. Sure, the guys from the team were ignoring him, but at least they weren't tagging his locker or destroying his reputation or belongings.

“I never knew that girls could be so mean,” Jake said, shaking his head.

“I did, but I never thought they'd turn on me. If it wasn't for Mattie and you, I think I'd lose my mind,” Alyssa sighed.

“I'm sure they'll give it up soon,” Jake said trying to sound reassuring.

“Not likely,” she said, “Katie wants to be squad leader, and I'm about to tell her she can have it.”

“Don't do that,” Jake shook his head, “You've worked too hard just to give it up, because of some bimbo.”

Alyssa giggled and Jake grinned at her through the rear view mirror.

“And I thought I had some choice words for her,” she laughed.

“Well, it's true,” Jake chuckled, “she'll get hers. I bet in ten years Ryan will be fat. I've heard how much he likes to drink.”

“Eww!” Alyssa giggled.

“What do you like on your pizza?” Jake asked to change the subject.

“Just cheese,” Alyssa answered.

“Just cheese? That's sort of boring,” he teased.

“Is not,” Alyssa laughed.

“Is too, but I'll show you the good stuff tonight,” Jake chuckled.

Jake pulled his truck in and killed the engine. Alyssa took her seat and Jake ordered his favorite supreme pizza. He wasn't too sure that she would enjoy it, so he ordered a second cheese pizza. He had watched his father force his likes on his mother for too long, and just look where that had gotten them.

“I forgot to ask you,” Alyssa said when he joined her at the table, “How did your first weekend of work go?”

“I loved it!” Jake said, “The guys I work with mostly play sports at the community college, and the customers are great.”

“I'm glad you like it,” Alyssa smiled.

They took turns asking one another questions while they waited for their food. He discovered that her favorite color was silver, her favorite food was ice cream, and she, like him had no clue what classes she wanted to take in college.

“I'm totally lost about that,” she admitted.

“Well, what do you like to do, I mean besides cheer?” he asked.

“I don't know hang out, shop, go driving,” she laughed.