“Having fun in Chicago?” Evie said that.

“Alright, y’all skedaddle. I don’t think June meant for everyone to hear that declaration.” Thank you, Mama.

“Okay, we’re going. But, June, we all already knew about Ben. So, there’s nothing to feel weird about,” says Jake, his voice slipping further away.

I sigh. Nothing to feel weird about? Nothing other than my family all knowing my giant secret for five years and pretending they didn’t know!

“Okay, baby, we’re alone now. I’m sorry you were on speaker, but I had no idea you were going to blurt your heart out like that.”

“It’s okay,” I say, feeling tired for some reason. Probably because I just dropped the heavy secret I’ve been carrying around for too long. “You all knew? For how long?”

“Since the day you called off the wedding.”


“Well, thank you for that. Now I’m going to need a hearing aid prematurely.”

“Mama, how in the world did you know?”

She’s quiet for a second, and I imagine she’s scrunching her nose up in contemplation. “Are you sure you wanna know?”


“When we saw how upset you were but unwilling to talk about it, Jake and your daddy went to Ben’s house to find out the truth.” Those little sneaks!

“And Ben told them everything?” That surprises me.

“Well…not until Jake grabbed him by the collar and pinned him up against the wall. Then, he was happy to spill his beans. Poor guy, though. Jake still bloodied his nose.”

I let out a breath of air that’s somewhere between a laugh and an exhale. I wish I had been there to see my big brother punch the living daylights out of Ben. Maybe it would’ve helped me heal a little faster knowing that Ben wasn’t completely getting away with his crap. “Why didn’t you tell me you guys knew? Why let this go on for so long?”

“Darlin’, we all knew this was something you needed to feel on your own and sort through in your own time. I knew you’d tell me when you were ready. We’re here to support you and love you, not smother you.”

Great, now I’m crying again. “Thank you, Mama. I’m sorry it took me so long.”

“Oh, phooey. It took you just the right amount of time. Some of us need to live throu

gh the healing rather than talk through it.”

I smile, wishing I was near her to let her wrap me up in one of her hugs. “Have you ever thought about writing fortune cookies?”

“Are you getting smart with me?”

“Never. I love you, Mama.”

“I love you too, Sugar. Now, tell me, is Ryan being good to you?”

My eyes drift toward the closed door as I think back over all the tenderness Ryan has shown me. “I’ve never felt so cherished.”

“Good, ‘cause I like that boy, and I’d hate for Jake to mess up that pretty nose of his.”

I sputter a laugh. “Me too.”

After a few minutes, I tell Mama I’ve got to run so I can get ready for my date. It’s hard to put into words the way I feel after hanging up with her, knowing what all my family has done for me over the past five years. I feel like someone has injected something warm and gooey into my heart of stone.

Knowing that Ryan is probably waiting on me, I quickly change into an outfit that makes me feel like a sexy lady (a soft cream sweater, high-waisted jeans, and my hair curled in long waves). I step out of my room and find Ryan in the hallway, wearing a suit—one that makes my mouth drop open and drag across the floor as I turn a circle and start to back up into my room to change.

“Whoa, come back here.” He grabs my arms and tugs me around.