“You were wrong.”

“Yes, I was. I know.”

“You have to quit running from me.”

I’m standing in front of him now. “I will.”

“Because I want a healthy relationship with you, June. I won’t keep chasing you every time you run or slam a door in my face. Eventually, you’re going to have to show me that you’re willing to fight for us, too.”

Okay, now I take a step back, because I’m feeling slightly annoyed that he’s still not budging. “That’s what I’m doing right now, Ryan.” I say his name, punctuating every letter sound and dripping it in annoyance.

He takes a step toward me this time. “If you had looked closer, you would have seen that the Ryan from tonight is miserable. He’s lonely. He rarely smiles. He hates his job and has wanted out for a long time but never saw a way. You opened my eyes, June, and I see with perfect clarity that I want you. A life with you and all the craziness we are together.”

“You’ll be bored with me.”

He takes another step. “What makes you think I’m just going to sit around painting you all day? I wouldn’t quit my job and not have thoughts for the future. I have plans.”

His harsh tone is ripping my heart. I laid down my pride and admitted my wrongs. I think the least he could do is talk a little softer. “Well, you never shared those plans with me.”

“You’re right. I should have told you I bought the space across from your donut shop.” WHAT! “I contacted a realtor and looked at it the morning before we left Charleston. After I left Bask today, I knew for sure it’s what I want, so I called and put an offer on it. They accepted about an hour ago.”

“Okay…w-what are you going to do with it?" I’m in shock. I need one of those shiny blankets to wrap around my shoulders.

“Open my own place. You remember the little cafe I told you about in France? I plan to recreate it.”

I can’t breathe. He has plans. Across from my bakery. Plans, people! He has plans! “A cafe?”

“A small one. Only a few menu options. It's the opposite of what I’ve been doing lately, and it’s exactly what I need.”

“Well, GREAT,” I say, but my voice sounds harsh now, too, because I’m feeding off his pent-up anger. I take another step away, but he keeps following me. We’re doing a tango outside the airport. “I think it will be a huge success,” I say in the way that people do when their anger is fizzling out, but they are already prepared for a fight, so they keep their tone angry. “You should have told me about this! Stop keeping me in the dark.”

“Okay, then don’t freak out and run away when I tell you what I’m up to.”

I throw my hands up. “I was running back to you!!”

He shrugs. “You can’t do that every time you’re scared. You have to trust me, eventually.”

“I do trust you! That’s why I was on my way back to you!” I make a dramatic sweeping gesture with my hands from the airport doors to where I’m standing. People are beginning to stare, but who cares. “See?! This was me saying I trust you. I was coming back, and you were supposed to hug and kiss me! That’s what happens in the movies. You ruined it, Mr. Darcy, and now we’re breaking up again.”

For the first time, I see a smile crack on the corner of his face. But no. I’m back to hating that smug face. I hate that grin. I hate his dimple. I want to smear a big ol’ cream pie in it. “I think that’s the shortest relationship in history.” He looks down at his watch. “Five hours. Not even sure it counts.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter now, ‘cause we’re over.” I cross my arms defiantly. “I hope you’re happy. You’ve annoyed me, so we’re done. It was nice knowing you, Ryan. Good luck with your cafe.”

He’s got a tilted smile. “You love me.”

“I hate you. H.A.T.E.”



Suddenly, Ryan bends down and scoops me up and tosses me over his shoulder.

“This is the twenty-first century, Ryan! You’re not allowed to do this! Stop it, you caveman.” I squeal and kick my feet as he casually strides away from the airport. “ABDUCTION!” I yell while also trying to cover my butt. I’m certain I’m flashing the entire airport.

No one even pays any attention to my squeals. Ryan is nodding as we pass people, and the only ones who have stopped to note our display are awwwwing like kidnapping is the most adorable thing in the world.

“Put me down, you dummy!”