Now, I really think I’m going to be sick in the bushes.

“Can I help you?” she asks, looking mildly annoyed.

She’s annoyed?! I’m annoyed!! Who is this woman? Did Jake seriously call a random girl to come hook up with him last night because he was so angry with me?

The thought sours in my mouth. He did. That’s exactly what he did.

“I—” I have no idea what to say to this woman. I’m so hurt. I’m afraid I’m going to melt right here on his porch, and then that will be the end of me, and someone is going to have to come mop me up. “I was just…”

“Looking for Jake?” she asks with a taunting smirk. “He’s not awake yet.”

Of course he’s not. Clearly, he had a late night.

“Okay.” I wish I had something better to say or do than just stand here like an idiot. But I’m shocked. I never thought Jake would be that kind of guy. I thought he… I thought he loved me too.

“Do you want me to go wake him up for you?”

“No!” I’m backing away from the door now, fisting Charlie's leash and wishing it was transmitting superpowers into my palm that would help me blast this skank out of Jake’s house. “I mean…don’t worry about it. I’ll just...”

I don’t finish my sentence. Instead, I sprint back to the Uber, and luckily, I’m able to catch the girl before she drives off. I practically dive into the seat and then yell, “Drive!” like I’m in the movie Baby Driver. I expect her to squeal the tires as she puts the pedal to the metal, but OF COURSE she doesn’t, because nothing in my life is going my way anymore.

“Are you okay, lady?”

“No. I’m not. Please just drive.”

“Where to?”

“Anywhere!” Tears are now running down my cheeks. “Mexico! Let’s go to Mexico.”

“I can’t drive you to Mexico.” Seriously?! Where is this girl's sense of sisterhood? Girl power? I would even just settle for a smidge of empathy.

I let out a big puff of air and then just tell her the address of Joanna’s house.

Because right now…I need a mama.


I went by Evie’s apartment, but either she wasn’t home, or she just didn’t want to talk to me, because my knock went unanswered. So did my phone call. And all fifteen of my texts. I even tried to bribe her out of hiding by texting her a picture of the muffins I brought sitting outside her door. That didn’t work either.

Clearly, I’m in deeper with her than I thought.

I’m not giving up yet, though. Tonight is the benefit, and since I know she’ll be there, I intend on going and sweeping her off of her feet. That’s all right, Evie. You can hide for now. But I’m going to find you very soon. Wow, that sounded creepy.

This morning, I called June and filled her in on my chat with Natalie. My sister begged me to let her go over there and rip eve

ry last extension out of Natalie’s head, but I couldn’t bring myself to give her the green light. Instead, I told her to keep Sam away from the house until I could drive back by and make sure that Natalie was gone.

She was, and when I went inside, I was immediately assaulted by the smell of her perfume. I’m pretty sure the crazy lady sprayed it all over my house like a dog trying to mark its territory. Ridiculous.

I used disinfectant spray on every piece of upholstery, and now my house smells like a hospital. But that’s worlds better than the way it smelled before.

Finally, Sam came home, and I told her, very delicately, that her mom was back in town, and I asked Sam if she would even be interested in seeing her. I knew that answer before I even asked the question, and I was right: no.

It’s sad when a ten year old knows that her mom can’t be trusted. But she did agree to talking on the phone if Natalie did, indeed, call. I hate that I have to even give Sam a glimmer of hope that her mom will call when I’m not even certain that Natalie stayed in town. For all I know, her boyfriend left her high and dry, and she was only coming back to milk me for some spending money.

Sam and I spent the rest of the afternoon together, watching movies and playing in the pool (while I continued to sneak glances at my phone to see if Evie texted me back, even though I had the ringer on loud and knew for a fact she hadn’t), and then FINALLY it was time to put on my suit and go to the benefit.

“Are you sure you’re not upset about spending another evening without me?” I ask Sam before walking out the door.