We all continue on with small talk for a few minutes about the law firm and how much Tom misses being in the thick of the action. After that, they spend a solid ten minutes gloating over Tyler and all of his achievements and cases he’s won since taking over at the firm. I want to gag. Tom and Daddy then volley back and forth about whose golf swing is better between the two of them while my mother and Amy gossip about Cathey’s new nose. All in all, everything is mind-numbingly boring—just the way I like it. No boat rocking tonight, and Jake and I get to sit quietly and observe.

It’s when we sit down to dinner that I realize we have exactly enough place settings for everyone. That’s odd. I never told Mama that Jake was coming with me. I look up and notice that Tyler is staring at me from across the table. Staring like a serial killer finalizing his plans. He raises his glass to his mouth, smirking at me and never breaking eye contact. My heart rate picks up speed, and I can feel that he has something up his sleeve. Something that I’m not prepared for, but he is. Something everyone at this table is prepared for, because there is an extra place setting here. Oh, crap. This is the trap. They knew I’d bring Jake. Planned on it.

Suddenly, Tyler’s gaze cuts to Jake, and he sets down his glass. “You own your own architectural firm, do you not?” Now, how did he know that? I know that I didn’t tell anyone in my family, so how in the world would Tyler know that? Shoot. My parents must have had Jake investigated.

I look around the table and notice how it looks like everyone is running their lines in their head, waiting for their cues again.

“I do, yes,” Jake says with a kind smile, completely oblivious to the knife they are about to launch to his chest.

“Ah, yes,” my daddy says from the far end of the table. “Evelyn told us all about it. She went on and on about how proud she is of you for owning such a successful company.” I did not! I look at Jake and hope he will feel my thoughts meld with his. This is a trap!! Something is afoot! “I’ve got to say, I’m impressed by you, Jake. To own Goddard Smith is something to be proud of.”


Jake’s brows twitch together, and his smile dims. “Oh…uh—I don’t own Goddard Smith, sir. My company is Broaden Homes.”

My father looks at me with a put-on frown that could win him an Oscar. “Why did you tell me he owned Goddard Smith, then?” Oh, he’s good. They’re all good. Sitting here, acting like this wasn’t a battle strategy to put a wedge between Jake and me while also making him feel belittled.

My eyes widen. “I didn’t!” I flash my eyes to Jake next. “I really didn’t. I never told him you owned that company. In fact, I haven’t told them about you at all!” Oh. But that just made things worse, didn’t it?

Jake’s smile is oh so tight now, and I can see that he’s trying his best to not let this situation eat at him. I touch his arm, and he whispers, “It’s fine.”

It’s not fine. I can feel that it’s not.

“Evelyn Grace, tell Amy all about your wonderful little service dog company.” Now it’s a wonderful company, is it?

“Oh yes!” says Amy, eyes twinkling in rehearsed anticipation. “You know, a few girls from the club and I were just saying that we needed a new little project to keep us busy. And from what your mama says, it sounds like your company could use a few patrons.” She pauses. “Or…” Blink. Blink. Blink. She turns her doe eyes to Tyler. “Actually, Tyler might be just the person for the job.”

“Tyler?” I ask, not bothering to keep the disgust from my voice.

“Well, yes! Who better than him? I’m sure that he could drum up all kinds of high-profile sponsors for you with all of his connections from New York. You two could get together and brainstorm through a game plan. You would be happy to work with Evie to further her company, wouldn’t you, son?” GAG ME. Do they really think I don’t see through this charade?

“I’d love to help you with your company, Evie,” he says in a way that sounds like he’s undressing me with his words.

I give him a tight-lipped smile. “Thanks, but I’ve got it all handled. Our benefit is tomorrow night, and I already have lots of big companies signed up to donate services and items for everyone to bid on. So, yep. Don’t need your help.”

“A benefit?” says Tom, stepping into his part now. “We didn’t hear anything about a benefit. Is it open to the general public?” Oh, shoot.

“Well…no. It’s by invitation only.”

“Surely, we are invited, though, and our invitation just got lost in the mail.”

“That’s exactly what happened, isn’t it, Evelyn?” says my mother. “Because you specifically called me and asked for their address a few weeks ago. And are you and Tyler still going together like you two talked about?” Okay, so first, Mama is manipulating me into inviting Tom and Amy to the benefit, and now she is flat-out lying about me and Tyler. Where to start?

One quick look at Jake, though, answers that question for me. “I—no. I’m going to the fundraiser with Jake. He’s my date. He and I are going together.” How many more ways can I say this? Jake es mi cita. Jake + Evie = Together.

My mother pouts and turns a broken-hearted smile to Tyler. “Oh. I’m terribly sorry, Tyler. I hope you’ll be able to find a date on such short notice.” Unbelievable.

“I’m sure he’ll be just fine calling one of the many girls from his little black book and asking them to leave their Barbie dream houses for the night.” Wait. What? He isn’t even invited to the fundraiser! Did I just get tricked into inviting him, too?

“Don’t be jealous, Evie. You know you’re my number one choice. Just say the word, and I’ll go with you.”

My mouth falls open, and I look at Jake. He’s looking at me, and his expression is so hard to read it could be an instruction manual from Ikea. “Like I said, I don’t need you to go with me, Tyler, because I’m going with Jake. The man sitting right here beside me.”

“Right. Sorry, man. I didn’t mean to make you feel weird.”

“You didn’t,” Jake says, but his voice is so hard that it’s clear he’s annoyed.

“Oh, Jacob, you’ll have to excuse all of us,” says Mama. “We tend to go on and on about Tyler and Evie because…well, there’s no other way to say it, but we’ve all been waiting for the day they finally get back together and tie the knot.”