“My beeswax is boring today. So, tell me, are things going good with you two?”

I can’t hide my smile. “Really good. Too good, actually.”

She rolls her eyes. “Only you would say that when a hot man is being attentive and flirting with you.”

“I know! I don’t want to feel this way, but…I have too much experience that’s taught me it won’t last long. Every guy I’ve ever dated has either moved on to easier and perkier pastures, or they see one of my episodes and it scares them right out of my life.”

“Yes, and do you know what you outta say to those types of guys? Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya! Because if you don’t know it already, honey, you’ve been known to date duds.”

My mouth falls open. “What?”

“It’s true. The few guys you’ve dated in the past have all been a few eggs short of a dozen, and waayy below your level. It’s like you're so desperate to not end up with anyone like your parents that you swing completely the opposite way. Jake is the first man you’ve ever been interested in that even comes close to being on the same tier as you.”

“Ha! You think Jake and I are on the same level?”

“No.” Her eyes slide to mine, and I see a twinkle. “I don’t think anyone will ever measure up to you. But I get the feeling that Jake will actually try.”

I don’t know what to say. The fact that Jo thinks so highly of me makes me feel weepy. There’s nothing else to do but lean over and wrap her up in a hug and then slide my phone onto the table in front of her.

“Just for that, you get unlimited access to my texts for the next five minutes.”

She wastes no time in picking up my phone and scrolling through every text Jake and I have ever exchanged. While she continues giggling like a teenager, I decide to occupy myself by refilling my water.

I stand up, and Charlie does, too, but with a big yawn. Poor guy has been bored to death the past few days. Or maybe exhausted from all the running around and meetings we’ve been to. Either way, I need to devote some special time to take him to the park and throw the ball.

I’m filling up my water at the drink station and mentally planning on taking Charlie to the park on Friday morning so that he won’t feel slighted during my date with Jake—don’t worry, Charlie, you’ll always be my first love—when I feel the presence of someone else beside me.

I cut my eyes to the side to get a look at whatever weirdo is entering my personal space, when I find an attractive man smirking down at me. He’s not Jacob-Broaden attractive, but I’m still woman enough to admit he’s good looking.

“Hi,” he says.

“Hi,” I reply back, and I’m a little embarrassed to say it sounded more like a mouse squeak.

Come on, water. Fill faster!

“I’m Garrett.”

Okay. Nice. Cool. So, what’s going on here? This never happens to me. I briefly glance down, worried that maybe Charlie ran away, because men NEVER approach me when Charlie is around. He’s a giant man deterrent. Do not come near the pretty girl. She’s high maintenance.

“Evie,” I say with a polite smile and then turn to set my cup on the counter and put the lid back on. Annnnnd then Garrett is beside me again, doing the same with his lid.

“What’s your dog's name?”

Huh. Okay, so he did see Charlie. And he’s not scared off? I don’t know how I feel about this. Actually, yes, I do. I’m not interested in this guy. Maybe a month ago, before I met Jake, I would have felt flattered. But right now, I just kinda want to extract myself from the conversation as quickly and politely as possible.

“This is Charlie.”

“Sup, Charlie,” he says, and I smile instead of telling him not to distract my dog while he’s working. “Are you from around here?” Alrighty then. I guess we are going to do the chit-cha

t thing now.

This is so bizarre. Do men have some kind of scent tracker that helps them sniff out the women in town who are unavailable? Because, I swear, I never got hit on by cute, normal-looking guys before Jake asked me out.

“Yeah, I am. Are you?”

“Kind of. I just moved here a few months ago, so I’m still trying to get my bearings on the town.”

“That’s nice.”