Carver continued to walk slowly toward Rose with his shirtsleeves rolled up, exposing his muscular forearms and looking far more handsome than was good or fair for anyone. He looked both ruggedly masculine and easily approachable. Those things, coupled with the devilish smile on his lips and mischievous sparkle in his grey eyes, ignited something in Rose that hadn’t been there before. Something overwhelming that she couldn’t ignore. She had to clear her throat to find her voice.

“I wasn’t skulking. I just didn’t want to interrupt.” She tried to smile as naturally as possible. Could he tell that she was blushing? And why the devil was she blushing?

“A likely story.” He a raised a brow. “Should we believe her, Janie?” He moved closer.

Jane was bashful now and simply shook her head with a smothered giggle.

“I didn’t think so. This beautiful woman means trouble.” He stopped just an arms length away. Close enough she could smell his scent and notice that the cut above his eye had almost healed. “Suppose she means to do something dreadful to us, Janie.” He spoke to the little girl but his piercing gaze never left Rose.

“Like what, Uncle Carver?”

“Like force us to eat vegetables.”

“Ew!” Jane shouted, still standing behind Carver’s legs.

“My thoughts exactly.” He moved even closer and Rose’s skin felt like fire. What was he doing? Why was he looking at her that way? More teasing?

With hands clasped behind her back, she forced a steadying breath but it came out trembly. “My presence here is purely innocent, I assure you.” She didn’t look away. Carver was clearly playing a game and Rose would not cower under his gaze. Never mind that it felt like ocean tides breaking over her one by one until she felt her balance slipping.

“Hmm. I’m afraid I cannot trust you. Suppose you have an instrument of torture hidden behind your back. I don’t think I can risk it.”

“Would you prefer I leave, then?” She swallowed.

He looked at her for a long moment, tilted his head the smallest bit and then whispered. “No.”

Something in the way he said that single word, sent shivers running over her skin. Were they still talking about the game? Was there an encrypted message she was supposed to decode?

She didn’t have time to think about it because he cleared his throat and then regained his theatrical expression. “It’s to the dungeon with you, woman.” He reached behind her and pulled her into the room and whispered in her ear, “play along.” But what she wanted to do was melt on the ground.

She looked down at little wide-eyed Jane and remembered there was no time for melting. She had to play along. But how? Rose was forced to stop being a child so long ago she wasn’t sure she even knew how to be one anymore. And the only time Rose had ever spent around children had been during her short visits back to Hopewood Orphanage. She would go back now and again to make sure the children were getting what they needed and bring any extra funds she had…acquired. But she intentionally limited her time at the orphanage. She wanted to help the children as they deserved to be helped, to allow them to be children and see to their well being, but she would not let herself grow attached to them. No, that’s what she had hired teachers and nursemaids for.

“Over here, Uncle Carver!” cried Jane, gesturing toward a small table and chairs in the corner of the room.

Rose looked back to Carver. “You heard the girl. Off with you!” He pointed to the little child’s sized table.

She wanted to play along, she really did. But she simply couldn’t think of any playful words. “Very well, I’m going.” She sat down in the tiny chair. “Now what?”

Jane leaned forward, her eyes dancing. “You try to get away,” she whispered, helpfully.

Of course! Why hadn't she thought of that? It's precisely what she would do if she were ever imprisoned in real life. “Look over there! I think I see a dragon,” said Rose pointing behind Carver.

He didn’t miss his cue. He took on a look of horror and spun around to face the beast. “Where?”

Rose darted from the chair before he turned back and made for the other side of the room.

“She got away!” yelled Jane gleefully.

“Well, don’t just stand there, Janie. We have to catch her!”

Both Carver and Jane turned to Rose and began their pursuit just as a high voice interrupted their game. “Alright, little miss! It’s time for your nap.” A portly middle-aged lady with rosy cheeks walked into the room carrying a bundle of freshly laundered nightgowns. Lady Jane puffed out a bottom lip and attempted to protest.

Carver knelt down on one knee and took her tiny hands in his. “Never fear, my darling. I’ll be back to play tomorrow.” He leaned in and kissed her forehead. Rose couldn’t look away. How had she ever thought the man capable of any dishonorable behavior?

Jane, reluctant yet compliant, walked with her nursemaid toward a room just off the nursery. She looked back and blew Carver a kiss before disappearing into her bedchamber. Carver caught it with a smile and then glanced to Rose.

“It was good of you to play along,” said Carver from across the room but coming closer to where she stood beside the window. Thick clouds were rolling in, beginning to hide the sun. For once, it actually looked like winter.

“I’ll be honest. I hadn’t the slightest idea of what t