Their grunts and the rhythm of Minnow being shoved into him made Rodrigo shake with desperation. Severin fucked her hard and fast, then slow. He stopped several times, watching as she fucked herself on his cock, trying to spur him back into motion, but Severin seemed content to drag things out.

Minnow clawed at Rodrigo’s body, staring up at him with imploring eyes, as though he could give her the orgasm their dominant kept ruining, while Severin chuckled and fucked with her some more. Starting, stopping.

Severin withdrew completely, and Minnow, half-crazed, sank her teeth into Rodrigo’s thigh. He grunted in surprise, grateful that her mouth hadn’t been closer to his painfully hard dick.

Severin got to his feet.

“Nooo,” Minnow whined. “No, no, no!”

“No more?” the bastard asked, his tone indulgent. “We can stop if you really want to.” He walked behind Rodrigo and yanked him backward again, making the chair totter back on two legs for a moment. He jammed his slick cock back into Rodrigo’s mouth, now tasting of both of them. His own cock lifted and smacked back against his stomach, not needing much more than one more wrong thought to bring him to an unfulfilling and mostly ruined orgasm. Minnow latched onto the inside of his thigh, suckling there so sweetly Rodrigo wanted to cry with frustration.

He licked the top of Severin’s cock, trying to open his throat to see if he could take more of him, but only succeeding in making himself gag. Severin made a sound of pleasure and Ro found himself trying harder, not caring about the saliva and pre-come that leaked from his lips and upward toward his eyes. Severin grabbed his hair in a tight fist and fucked his mouth, and R

odrigo didn’t have the chance to do anything other than try to breathe between thrusts and keep his teeth out of the way. He’d done this to women so many times and had no fucking idea how hard it was not to struggle, and to trust the dominant wouldn’t make them pass out.

Severin swore, his thrusts losing cadence, and then his hand tightened convulsively. Rodrigo’s cock jerked, helplessly ejaculating as Severin’s surged deeper and emptied into the back of his throat. Ro gagged, retched, almost heaved, trying to swallow, but not sure how to upside down. Severin pulled out, smearing come across Ro’s cheek while he coughed and gagged some more, eyes watering at the sensation of getting some in his sinuses. Severin let go of his hair and Rodrigo righted himself, too confused to do much other than catch a glimpse of Minnow’s apologetic mirth before trying to wipe his cheek on his shoulder.

His belly and chest were sticky, his face was sticky, his balls hurt, and his whole body hummed with adrenaline and the desperate need to properly orgasm.

Severin smeared a finger through the come on Rodrigo’s stomach, holding it up like evidence. “You weren’t supposed to enjoy that.”

“I’m sorry. Honestly. It was an accident.” He swallowed, afraid for the future of his testicles. “If it’s any consolation, I didn’t really get off.”

He stood over them, his dark brows snapped together in anger.

“I can’t even punish you right,” he muttered.

Rodrigo tried to gather coherent thoughts so he could think of the right thing to say. He watched Severin pull on his clothes, feeling more desperate with every inch of nudity Severin covered.

Minnow shook the shock off first. “Master, please stay,” she begged, forehead on the floor by Severin’s feet.

“I have shit to do.” He pulled a knife out of his boot and sliced through the ropes holding Rodrigo to the chair.

Helpless, they followed him to the front door, neither of them knowing what to say. Severin drove off on his bike without looking back, not even turning his headlight on against the darkness.

Chapter Ten

Naked in his bed, the girl sprawled on her belly, sound asleep despite the chain that led from the collar to the strange headboard he’d never seen before. In the soft glow of firelight it was impossible to draw his gaze away from her curves and narrow waist. Her plump ass was still reddened from the belting he’d given her.

Why had he beaten her? He couldn’t remember.

He’d used her roughly, like a slave, and she hadn’t put up a fight. He’d punished her for not anticipating his whims, and she’d cried out in pain, but hadn’t asked him to stop. He’d chained her like a dog, and she’d accepted it as though to her it was love.

In sleep, her expression was troubled, brows drawn and mouth pouting adorably. Such an exquisite girl. What the hell was she doing with an ugly fuck like him?

Approaching the bed, he watched her expression change from troubled to peaceful to troubled again. He kissed her pouting lips, sliding his tongue teasingly between them then withdrawing again. Her brow furrowed, and she made a plaintive sound that shot a thrill through his balls. What was his girl dreaming about? From the looks of it, something far from innocent.

She was his.

He could keep her here forever, even if she wanted to leave. Do whatever he wanted to her. He could hold her captive and she couldn’t escape.

The echoes of her cries as he’d beaten her with his belt still rang in his ears. She’d been loud, but then, he’d been merciless. Hurting her made him hard, but it also made her wet. Stopping before he damaged her was the hard part.

She shifted in her sleep, whimpering, muscles flexing in her ass, drawing his gaze away from the swell of her breast where it was squashed against the bed. He was trying to let her sleep a while, but keeping his hands to himself was so difficult when she was around.

Were the welts on her ass still sore?

He got onto the bed and brushed a kiss over one of the worst welts then kissed the one next to it. He traced another with his lips, planting small kisses along the raised redness. The lingering scent of her earlier arousal stiffened his cock. Gently, he lifted her hips and slid a pillow beneath them, then pushed her thighs further apart, giving himself an unimpeded view of her tight slit and tighter asshole. When he parted her folds, wetness still glistened there. She mewled in her sleep, squirming her hips, but he held her open to his perusal.