A tray of Champagne came by, and Rodrigo snagged a flute and offered it to her. She held up a hand in refusal.

“No thanks. I think my stomach is still upset from the flight.” She’d never flown far, and they’d hit a lot of turbulence on the way to Belgium. Fitting.

“It would help you relax.”

“No. Having panties on and not having come on my thighs would help me relax. Being able to sit down without leaving a wet spot on the back of my gown would help me relax.”

He shook his head in bemusement. “Still? Wow. He really wanted to stake his claim before we left. Let me bring you somewhere private and get you cleaned up.”

“I can clean myself up,” she whispered back.

“I’ll use my tongue.”

She shuddered. The sensual slip of silk over her skin and sensitive nipples had kept her in a constant state of arousal since they’d gotten ready. Rodrigo looking positively edible, and eye fucking her all night hadn’t helped one bit.

“Rodrigo! I didn’t know you’d be here. And who’s this?” A hot guy with a shock of blond hair moved up and shook Rodrigo’s hand, looking honestly delighted to see him.

“Val – this is my fiancée, Minnow. Minnow, this is Valor Davenport. Our paths, and interests, cross on a regular basis.”

Interests? His emphasis on that word made Minnow wonder if he meant what she thought he meant.

Valor turned slightly, and held out a hand to welcome a pretty redhead in haut couture into their conversation. “Minnow, this is my wife, Tarryn.”

Tarryn eyed her, and Minnow waited for the mean girl crap she expected from elegant women who wore elegant clothes so effortlessly, but instead Tarryn smiled impishly. “A pleasure to meet you, Minnow. A pleasure to see you again, Rodrigo.”

Valor leaned down to whisper something in his wife’s ear, and her bright blush made her eyes appear almost feverish.

“When did you get to the city?” Valor asked politely.

“Only yesterday,” Rodrigo said. “I showed Min a few of the sights then went directly into meetings today.”

This launched a series of pleasantries with a tone that hinted it was all a charade. The attractive young couple moved off after a few minutes, but at times during the evening Minnow found Tarryn watching her and grimacing as though they were best friends commiserating about a dull party.

As she came out of the ladies’ room later in the evening and headed back down the hall toward the main room, Tarryn stepped from the shadows of an alcove and grabbed her hand, tugging her toward a dark hallway.

“This party is boring. Let’s go.” She grinned at Minnow, her expression playful and conspiratorial.

“Go where?” Minnow asked. Was it safe to follow her? The girl was about her size, and didn’t seem dangerous, but it wasn’t like they knew each other.

“We’re going to hang out in Valor’s office.”

“But Rodrigo...”

“He’s already upstairs. I said I’d show you the way.” She brought her to the elevator and swiped a keycard, punching the button for the top floor. “You looked as bored as I am, so we’re taking a break.” The elevator doors slid open on a silent reception area, and Tarryn walked past the desk to a door down a central hall behind the main desk. She opened one of the double doors at the end of the hall and gestured her in. Dim light from a small desk lamp illuminated Rodrigo and Valor relaxing in the sitting area of the large modern office.

Oh. Val was the boss? Now she felt bad they’d noticed she was bored.

Tarryn kicked off her heels by the door and padded over to Valor, then rucked up her sapphire blue dress and knelt at Valor’s feet in one graceful motion. Without so much as a slight hesitation, Valor opened his pants and eased his cock free, then shoved it into Tarryn’s eager mouth.


Minnow’s stood frozen, not sure what to do.

Valor groaned, wrapping his hand around the back of Tarryn’s neck, urging her on. “Good girl,” he said, voice strained. “I couldn’t wait to get into your pretty mouth. That fucking smirk of yours has been driving me crazy all night.” He traced a finger over her lips where they were wrapped around his cock.

Still standing motionless next to their couch, Minnow cast a furtive glance at Rodrigo. He beckoned her over and patted his knee, and when she settled there he turned her to face the other couple. From where they were sitting off to the side of them, she and Rodrigo could see every flex of Tarryn’s jaw as she took him down, her throat working him like a pro. When she backed off for air, Valor pulled the pins from her beautifully coiffed hair, letting it tumble down around her shoulders. She took him deep into her mouth again, and he unzipped the back of her dress, baring her delicate spine and then sliding the gown from her shoulders to let it puddle around her.

It had been so long since Minnow had been in a sexual situation with a pretty girl, that the thrill of lust Tarryn’s body and submissiveness inspired caught her off guard.